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Old 03-29-2013, 08:36 PM   #6
Zilvia FREAK!
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Originally Posted by chozobody View Post
The main reason I don't want to rebuild right now is simply due to a lack of knowledge about building engines. I would love to learn eventually, but I doubt my temporary shop in my girlfriend's mom's garage is the most appropriate place. Its already asking alot having her let me swap motors in the space. I would send it out too, but I really don't trust anyone out here in south-central Nebraska to work on my baby.
If money isn't an issue, I highly recommend having a machine shop machine / build your engine for you. If you go through the trouble of swapping in a junkyard engine, you might find that it leaks / ticks / knocks, etc.

Know that you can't start that engine. It'll crank if you bring a battery, but it won't start. The MAF / intake / sparkplug wires / exhaust manifold are missing.

How "blown" is your blown engine? Like headgasket blown? Or rod-knocking blown?
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