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Old 07-24-2019, 01:10 PM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2013
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Removed dash now alternator not working?

I was removing my dash to replace a couple Ac blend door actuators, all went well got them working. But before putting the dash back on I wanted to keep the car running while switching them back and forth between vents. Testing it before putting the dash back on basically but the car stalled soon after and battery was dead wouldn’t start it back up. Placed battery on a charger, came back at it later when it was fully charged. All good starts up fine so I checked voltage. Reading 11.98v w/ the car running, 12.6v with the car off, so battery is good. Check the voltage off the alternator and nothing, it’s reading the 11.98v when the car is running. My assumption was that I had my alternator gave out. (Ka24de w/Quest alt) , so I go into my parts bin grab a known working alt. (Downgraded back to stock w/ bracket) installed, but still not charging. Went to autozone got the quest alt tested and it was fine. So alternator doesn’t seem to be the issue? I’m leading towards the plug next, am I suppose to see constant voltage at 1 of the 2 pins or what? Etc? That’s the info I’m here to ask for, what’s next for me to check. (Note: I did check alternator fuse, even switched it with another one seems fine. Also took a look at all the other fuses. Also my cluster is plugged in, at first it wasn’t when it first died on me but problem still there. )
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