Originally Posted by Paradoxx123
I'll offer $200 + shipping.
I must politely decline. Just because someone else was dumb/desperate enough to sell one for far less than it's worth doesn't mean I will
Originally Posted by Kviper52
450? thats close to a new Mazworx one. damn son! glws though!
Mazworx is $250 if you provide cores, $550 if they provide cores
http://www.mazworx.com/mazworx-hybri...lve-cover.aspx Touge Factory charges $400 NOT including cores
Originally Posted by Avayo
450 covers the cost of the service but doesn’t include the cost of two valve covers. S14 vc’s are $200 alone. Glws
See above.
Originally Posted by Paradoxx123
There is literally an S14 Valve Cover pending sale right now for $80.... 
Cool, so $80 for a s14 cover, let's say $50 for a s13 cover, plus at least $250 for mazworx fee to do the cutting and welding, you're already at $380. They have a 1-2 week lead time, plus cost of shipping both ways. Have a nice day and bless your heart.