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Old 04-13-2019, 07:58 PM   #1
Leaky Injector
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KA S13 KA24E bogging issues

My 240sx will start right up and idle good and without dying. at first will be very responsive with the throttle too. BUT If I continue revving the engine overtime (or maybe it’s just the car being warmed up?) there will be bogging issues and after maybe two minutes of it running. I can only get to the higher rpms if I press open the throttle very very slowly. It will bog out and die if I press the gas too fast.

Parts that have been replaced:
Distributor cap
Spark plugs and wires
New Injectors/seals and injector wiring redone
Throttle position sensor
Egr block off plate
Charcoal canister delete
Iacv cleaned
Throttle body cleaned
Fuel pump has rust but it still delivers fuel there is still pressure

I’ve noticed:
Coolant temp sensor and o2 sensor look pretty done for
Exhaust leaks
Can drive car around without problem at low speed low rpm

Newbie in need of advice S.O.S.
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