Originally Posted by g6civcx
I'm really getting tired of doing this stuff, especially since you butchered my drawing.
Send me money and I'll do the schematics for you.
Or someone else can help you and I'll tell you where they go wrong.
My bad! Erased the lines and numbers in hope to alleviate any confusion, if someone thought I added them to the schematics.
Am I correct on the idea that I just need to control the power to the fan to achieve the goal? Most everything else for the climate control can be removed (intake door motor, mode door motor, push control unit, etc)?
I think I should be able to eliminate everything down to what I altered in the picture below. I don't know if I still need the fan switch and the resistor or not. If I can not eliminate the fan switch I'm guessing the switch would go on one of the three wires I put a red line through.
Thank you in advance for any info pointing me in the right direction.