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Old 04-16-2012, 06:30 PM   #30
Zilvia Addict
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davirene is just really nicedavirene is just really nicedavirene is just really nicedavirene is just really nicedavirene is just really nicedavirene is just really nicedavirene is just really nicedavirene is just really nicedavirene is just really nice
There was a website I had found showing some early s13's that were part of a race series. They modded the KADE by taking every extra line out that you dont need. As well as the Intake runners and some other items.

I cant find the website right now but you only need one vacuum line and thats for the fuel pressure regulator. You will have to take off the intake to get access to all the crap underneath. While the Intake is off be sure to completely remove the studs so if and when you do have problems you have ez access. I blew a fuel line 2 months later and had easily replaced it by removing the intake.

So I have a CAT delete. A fidanza flywheel with a stage 2 clutch and of course a vlsd. My cars pulls extremely hard and does really well against v-6 and some v-8's due to the weight factor...
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