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Old 02-12-2011, 10:47 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Soooshi View Post
Rebello should offer nice parts for the KAE for replacement. I would personally lean towards the CP Pistons. tons of guys running CP pistons can't say enough good things about build quality and their performance. Then again, Arias has been in the business longer IFAIK.

CP pistons are pretty nice, mmm ill check em out more they are about the same price as Arias,but seems like CP has more varity or compression rates high and low, so they must be pretty good to have a wide varity for N/A and Turbo build, thanx soooshi!

The ka head is restrictive, worse on the single cam. Open it up with a port job and throw on a big cam. That's where you'll see the best gains.
THATS WHAT I WAS THINKING! >_< through some nice performance camshaft/Pistons and the KAE will be set for a good performance!

what do u guys think are best for camshafts out there??
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