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Old 01-19-2021, 03:54 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by DRIFTER-M View Post
Proooooo Tip.

Google translate your car/ drifting related term or description to Japanese, and search that. I find a lot better content using that method ^^^

Super cool thread, but definitely a bit sad. The drifting and Japanese tuner scene is dying, relatively quickly. Heightened by immense price gouging and regulations. This is a world wide problem, not exclusive to Japan, but I think much of these will be memories in the next decade.

The hyper-inflation of drifting cars, products and "tuner parts" in the last couple of years within the states has had a massive affect globally and especially in Japan as their car prices are becoming too high for youth to get into the sport. Greed will contribute to the end of a very long term hobby for many of us here. / end rant
Yep, I figured this out a while back. You can find a lot of JDM/ Schassis content this way and the recommended stuff is usually all Japanese as well. Also, seems like more Japanese people are slowly making more youtube content, or uploading old videos. So, maybe there's still hope. lol
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