Originally Posted by BustedS13
wait, so you got hit by a car, which knocked you under a moving semi truck, which then dragged you down the street?
shoulda had a gopro hero, that would have been a SICK vid
harsh, but yea, i do agree it was a freak accident, got spun into a 180 jumped the curb b..back into the street, then hit a 2nd car, then kept sliding across 3 lanes, and hit the rear wheels of the truck, by some miracle I didnt go under the wheels, they spit me out to the side ad=nd i got caught by the rear tail/bumper of the semi which caught on my fender and roof, and dragged me..
Originally Posted by BigBuddahboi
omg i saw this at the track a couple months ago, it was so dopee! Im glad to hear your okae. hope you get everything settled!
well, car is professionally upraised and all so so I would get the entire value of the car, the problem is without a police report, or a witness i have nothing,
I am hoping someone who saw it happen sees my threads I also posted on craigslist and nico.