Originally Posted by twistedsymphony
Nope, I've never seen a stitch welding how to... I do know the general premiss though yes. If you read my other comment I noted that stripping the car and removing the seems was necessary.
as for the weight... I have no first hand experience but as I said I "HEARD" it added weight. I heard this from some member of my local car club who had just recently finished stitch welding an s13 hatch for use as a Time Attack vehicle. They said they weighed the chassis before and after and it added a little over 100lbs to the car in the process. Maybe they were wrong, maybe they did it wrong. Maybe they added some other kind of bracing as well which is where the weight came from... I don't know.
I make no claims that I'm an authority on stitch welding I'm simply repeating what I heard from someone who had first hand experience.
You obviously have no clue what you are talking about so don't even post next time. First thing you need to do is weigh a roll of wire for a wire feed welder. Then go weld up a car and see how many rolls you use. My dad stitched my car up, top and bottom, and I don't think we used more than 2 rolls. We were welding a ton of other stuff so I'm not exactly sure how many we used on stitching alone but those rolls only weigh about a pound or two.