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Old 10-21-2012, 10:18 PM   #15
Zilvia Addict
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Join Date: Jun 2011
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Age: 36
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Mock..YEAAA.....ING.......YEAAA....BIRD... jk..but seriously name that movie..

Looking good..and coming along

Making sure we have clearance for the turbo mani..

Looks good so were go for tacking

90% finished manifold


Downpipe mock's a squeeze..

Tack tack tack... fender wells for over fenders

Silocone sealer to keep the shiiii out

Turbo Charge side of IC welded

Made some Screamer pipes for my wastegates, still need to cut them and pretty them up but they're going to the atmoshpere

Cut a plate for my cannon plug for the Engine wiring harness.

just need to tack it onto the firewall

brought my old exhaust and oil coolers to make sure they fit... but decided that i'm trashing the whole exhaust.. and going with a new system. 4" all the way to try to get everything we can out of the gtx35r. If any of you guys are familiar with HP turbo ratings..For rotary.. you take whatever the turbo is rated for and you divide it by 1.3 "13b-rew" displacement. So almost maxing out this turbo is my goal. I'd like to get the broadest power-band possible. WHP under the curve! My power goal is 450-480WHP. I'm also trying to make the most power at as low a PSI as possible. Efficiency'll just be better if we can make 450WHP at say 20PSI compared to 25PSI. Less stress=better reliability.
anyways..back to pics..
Oil coolers. 25Row Mocal's

Line routing.. surprisingly everything is going to fit without modification.. THANK GOD!

And finally mounted

SO this is where I currently am in regards to progress with the build. Hopefully I'll have some more updates soon.
Just ordered my Radiator -16AN fittings today so they should be in from summit this week. Other than that.. just tidying up some loose ends.
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