Most coilovers are adjusted the same way. Loosen the bottom lock collar and move the collar up toward the middle of the cylinder.
Then turn the entire cylinder via the lock collar or the spring seat based on which direction you want to go.
You need to back the cylinder out of the lower bracket so that the distance between the spring seat and the lower bracket gets longer = higher ride height.
Tip. Check the lower bracket to see if there is a sighthole. I don't know if KSport has one but Megans and others have them. You can see the cylinder through the sighthole. If not, turn the bracket around so the hole is facing outwards.
You need to be able to see at least the bottom of the cylinder through the hole to be safe. You need at least 30mm of the cylinder threaded into the lower bracket to be safe. This is your max height.
Then lower to taste if needed.
Take a pix and ask questions if not clear.