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Old 06-21-2019, 09:56 PM   #1
Leaky Injector
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SR SR20 wont rev over 2400

Good evening guys and gals,

Yeah, I know you're all thinking: Another thread like this! Use the search button! But please, just hold on a second.

As stated, my s13 SR wont rev above 2400 rpm or so. After warming up it can rev all the way up for short periods. Its also running rich. Also, the car seems to be quite warm in the engine bay, but the temp guage says everything is normal. The car idles fine and when it does rev up feels totally normal.

From my resaerch this usually points to the MAF. So I bought a new one but the problem still persists. I had a similar problem with my foxbody and it turned out to be a vacuum leak. I pretty sure this isn't the case here as I dont have the usually whirring sound. Also, once the engine warms up the car can rev all the way up for short periods of time. I don't think its a CAT issue as the car doesn't have one :O

Do you guys have any suggestions? I spent a good chunk of time looking for solutions but I can't find an instance like mine.
Thanks in advance
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