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Old 04-10-2009, 09:45 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by soreballz View Post
Nobody flamed until the 12th post. That has to be some sort of record here.

Stop crying about it. Like I said, this a Z/S-chassis forum. You know, cars that are some type of fun sports car. Not many people here are going to give two shits about the lame ass FWD economy car that is the Altima, regardless of the fact that its powered by a KA.

Want helpful? Try the NICO forums. There's plently of dipshits over there that seem to think the Altima is a good base platform for a performance automobile. Maybe one of them will have an answer for you. Have fun picking out the accurate, useful information from the useless, incorrect information. There's a lot of that over there. Or perhaps you could give UR a call and ask them about it. Perhaps they'll have answers for you.

"The REEEEAL enthuiasts blah blah blah blah blah..." You drive an Accord; Shut the fuck up.

hate, hate, hate, hate, hate...... theres alot of this on this forum dont worry (MortsAccord) someone knows but there scared that there going to get flamed for "knowing" anything else thats not "240" Related.
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