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Old 03-07-2012, 07:35 AM   #13
Grocery Cart
Zilvia Junkie
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Originally Posted by nomoremk2 View Post
Wow some of the reactions to this video are a real bummer. Why is this not a good cause? Also, the kit is about awareness, not so much money. You can say hipster this dubstep that but the core issue here is what matters. No one should be getting away with child abduction on a large scale. They chose a target and are doing their best to take him down from another country. Sounds pretty awesome to me.
Because Invisible Children are misinforming people. Watching this is like watching your local news station..4 years ago. This has been going on for many years, the only reason it's getting big now is because of all the hype on the videos. More than likely, that money is going straight into their pockets. Besides, Kony is basically on his last leg. He was run out of Uganda, struggling for food, he's basically on his death bed.

But in the end I agree it's something people should be aware about. In fact it should have been known years ago. The cause is great, the execution.. not so much.
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