Originally Posted by Mrpopo
I don't have all kinds of stats for you guys but all you have to do is check around.
So, in other words, all you have is unfounded opinions with no basis in reality?
Originally Posted by Mrpopo
The guy bows to Saudi kings and countless other stupid things.
Is that better or worse than kissing and holding hands?
(commentary on top of the video is stupid, but it's the first one I found from a quick youtube search)
Originally Posted by Mrpopo
The question is are you better off today than you were when he took office?
Yes, I am. Is the economy better than when Obama took office? Yes, it is. Do I attribute it all to Obama? No. The economy is like a huge tanker. The President, and the policies proposed by the President, do not steer the tanker, they can only nudge the economy in one direction or another.
Originally Posted by Mrpopo
And I never said I supported Bush. Obama is just another Bush. Trying to spend us into oblivion. You can't spend your way out of debt.
If you are concerned about the debt, what will Romney or Santorum do to reduce the debt? The reality is that the Republican Party is only concerned about debt when a Democrat is in office. The only thing they really care about is cutting taxes, especially for the rich. If they were really concerned about cutting the debt, they wouldn't keep demanding that the Bush Tax Cuts be extended year after year. They were supposed to expire 2 years ago, but the Republican Party holds the budget ransom and demands that they be extended.