Thats a great tip Duball.
I was out of town and didn't get to the car till this evening. I ended up isolating cylinder 2 using Duball's advice. I pulled the coil pack and the spark plug well was full of water. I hadn't had the hood on during the torential downpour we got, and the water must have gotten under the cover and past that coil's seal.
I removed all the coils and checked for water. I reasembled everything and it now runs like a top.
Until....I took it for a test drive. Once I hit boost the engine bogs down. I messed with the boost controller as a last result when the engine was running rough. I tried bypassing the boost controller, but that didn't help. The engine revs all the way up fine when its not under load.
I never ended up checking overall fuel pressure. I'll do that tommorow.
Should I be worried that my turbo is bad?