Originally Posted by rootsfactory
boo this admin!
Originally Posted by rootsfactory
there is seriously a caps filter? fuck this website is terrible
Originally Posted by rootsfactory
your reasoning is almost as laughable as your purpose on this forum.
Oh my, I've quoted your posts. This can't be good for you...
I'm banning you too. 3 posts in the last 2-3 years, and then you troll up this thread? We don't need your kind of user here. I can tolerate a lurker, and I can tolerate a person who posts rarely, but when you outnumber your legitimate posts (outside of LOUD NOISES) with trolling argumentative nonsense, I can't help but believe you're not willing to be a positive part of our community.
So, with that I'm sending you on your way as well. I wish you the best of luck in discovering a website which will not only permit, but encourage you to break their rules and insult their administration, while at the same time providing little constructive input.
Have a nice day!