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Old 12-18-2017, 12:49 PM   #143
Post Whore!
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Originally Posted by Kingtal0n View Post
I like my 240 to look original- from the outside

I was at the light making a left, and two S13's pull up in the right turning lane next to mine. I hear them making jokes about my stock looking S14 etc... "Its an SE dog!"

Light turns green and we come around the corner, of course he floors that ol' KA engine, I guess they both did. Well by the time they realized my stock exhaust was hiding something it was too late, I heard him bouncing from the rev limiter after I got a couple cars ahead. I let off and let them race past me to the next light, where they quickly made a right and disappeared...

It just wouldn't have been as fun if my car was noisy/graphics/painted/kits/etc... pure or not

I guess I care more about pureformance
I would venture to guess that any S chassis owner that would mock a clean, stock-appearing S-14 instead of think it was cool is probably a bone head.
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