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Old 04-05-2013, 03:50 AM   #1
Leaky Injector
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SR wet plugs, running rich. need another brain, been staring at car too long

Okay here is my issue:
s13 sr20det
Car is running rich. soaks spark plugs, car wont start.
fuel pressure is at 40lbs (a little low, normally runs 42lbs, but we were trying to lean it out some, just to see if it would help)
when I pull plugs, I am getting spark.
740cc injectors don't leak and have a good conical spray pattern
temperature is 12 C
new o2 sensor
new-er temperature gauges
tps is reading the correct ohms
timing is top dead center, stabbed CAS 3 different times, followed FRsports guide
timing reads 0 degrees at IG on/not running, 3 degrees at cranking
injectors read 5-7% duty at cranking
MAF is reading 450-700 mV at cranking

only sensor that i havent checked is knock.
recently went from 2.5inch IC pipes to 3inch

car started this morning, revved awesome, rough-ish idle
now car wont start at all. cranks, but no fire.
Don't mix booze and car gets expensive, quickly.
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