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Old 06-11-2013, 07:28 PM   #11
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: maryland
Age: 34
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bossin240 is an unknown quantity at this point
Obviously since i e seen an R32 and an ls1 both beautiful fucking cars to on for sale in the last month there's obviously a market for people wanting to sell their baby's. and since theres obviously people that have put their blood sweat and tears into a car that theyre willing to part ways with in hopes that the next guy will both appreciate and take care of their spoils is the pretty persuasive reason for me to ask my initial question. Jackasses. I did my own research. I found a car worth having and did what i wanted to do to my car the right way the first time. Do t give me this news shit. Stop actin like your the first person to shit out a car worth having. This isn't gone in 60 seconds but the reason adults put the into their cars is to part ways with them when the time is right to the right fucking person. You do t build a car to travel the past 1/4 mile to the pearly gates. I started asking questions before i was ready to commit. Its called research for a reason.
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