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Old 12-17-2009, 07:11 PM   #48
Leaky Injector
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that and I am soon to install a starter kill keypad. and before any of you go "hurr hurr that can be bypassed" stfu, If you're not an idiot you'll figure this is a good design and when wired properly, you won't be able to by pass it.

Enter code wrong 4x and it locks the car for 5mins, cannot try to start it again. even if you had a key. I think its 18750 codes available on my specific model, good luck. and with the lockout period, its going to take you about, at most 390.625 hours, or 16 days to go through all the codes.

"hurr hurr, you can snip the wires off the keypad and short them out" you think the company thought of this? plus if you do that, you're only hindering yourself further. the module (which should be wired properly away from the column and hidden amongst the stock wiring) If it doesn't receive the correct code, its not completing the circuit for you.

all and all, if someone wants it bad enough, they'll get it. sad truth
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