why ask a question then start to insult the people on the forums for not knowing about an altima, with that kind of behavior no one should help you.
The crank pully like you stated on the alty is different seeing as how it uses a serpant belt set up vs a multi belt set up. how you would think that it would work is behond me that alone should answer you. i have had/have both cars and i could not see a way of making this work seeing as how the belt is thicker on the alty. also i think its funny how you think that the ka is fully counter ballenced making it ok to remove the harmonic balencer. I could care less about that motor its not mine so w/e but there are plenty of test showing that the crank shafts suffer alot of stress and are much more prone to failure from not having them on it. why is it that they dont run billet aluminum crank pullies on race cars and shit. well w/e enjoy asking for help again on this forum to then turn around and start yelling at people for not knowing.
may i recomend you and your buddy try out club altima and the other altima based sites who would much better have an idea about this and any other altima based questions. im sure some ass hat like you and your friend has tried to do the same thing. I dont come on here looking for questions about a nissan quest and expect an answer.