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Old 08-10-2020, 04:21 PM   #15
Join Date: May 2019
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Didnt know it was this hard to bleed a coolant system.

- jack the frontend of the car up hight(1ft off the ground)
-remove bleeder screw from upper waterneck
-add 50/50 mixture of coolant or water to radiator
-fill till coolant/water comes out bleed screw hole
-reinstall bleeder
-start car and turn heater on
-top off coolant/water constantly for 10mins(ac is off)
-lower car
-put rad cap on and drive for 10mins(watch temp guage)
-park car and let it cool off
-open radiator cap when radiator is cool to the touch and upper hose is soft.
-top off radiator with coolant/water
-fill over flow tank half way
-reinstall cap

*if the car truly has no thermostat this should be a very easy process


Anything eles?
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