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Old 03-29-2013, 05:34 PM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Hastings, NE
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s13 Scrap yard KA24DE

I went to the scrap yard today, looking for a KA to replace the blown one that came with my s13. The yard had a 91 hatch that still had the motor in it. (Pictures are included.) All 4 bangers at the yard cost $125, so I figured its the best deal I'm gonna find. Without the key, what would be the best way to test the motor before I purchased it? Would it be possible to "hotwire" the system to get it cranking? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Also, a little information about the donor car. Odometer says the car has around 186k miles on it. Checked engine oil, and it appears to be almost new synthetic. No visual leakage around the head or the valve cover. The motor would not come with an exhaust manifold, or MAF, but I still have all those parts on my KA.
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