Thread: 240 Powerless
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Old 07-24-2013, 04:26 AM   #16
Leaky Injector
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Originally Posted by KiLLeR2001 View Post
Why are you talking out of your ass? It's obvious you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

The ignition switch wire is powered by the alternator which is a solid white wire AFTER the 75A fuse. Since his shit is blown, no power is getting to the ignition switch, period.

The starter is grounded when you bolt it up to block. There is no ground wire for the starter. Only a 12V+ positive wire and a signal wire from the ignition switch when the key is turned to the START position. The negative cable coming from the battery connects to the chassis and the intake manifold. Usually its corroded on the body near the battery tray.


And yes there are a few grounds you'll want to check up on, which are all laid out in the FSM. Familiarize yourself with it if you wish to survive in owning your 240sx.
I didnt come here to argue about some bullshit so this is the one time im going to respond to you. And he asked if there was ground for the starter i said yes and you respond with where its grounded (to the block) and said that i was stupid yet you said the same thing. Secondly i dont give a fuck what you say if the alternator fuse is blown the car will still start, i know this because i started my car without one. And finally if im really talking out of my ass then why are you telling him the same thing, and thats to check his grounds. You even gave him the locations, yet still im talking out of my ass... okay thanks for attempting to be an ass,there always has to be a couple

And oh yea one more thing about the ignition switch it has its own fuse, i know this because i blew mine and the car doesnt start without it.
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