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Old 03-01-2018, 12:28 PM   #12
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Hoffman5982 is just really niceHoffman5982 is just really niceHoffman5982 is just really niceHoffman5982 is just really niceHoffman5982 is just really niceHoffman5982 is just really niceHoffman5982 is just really niceHoffman5982 is just really niceHoffman5982 is just really niceHoffman5982 is just really nice
I've bought multiple high pressure fittings over the years ranging from Earl's to the cheapest I could find on eBay, none of them leaked. So I'm calling bs on the high pressure line being the most common one to leak. The low pressure one is the one you have to get fittings machined down so they seat correctly. I need one myself but the only one I can find is the guy on here selling the pair for almost $70 which is a bit ridiculous imo
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