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Old 04-14-2012, 10:50 PM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2012
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Ka24e misfiring and rough idle

Hey guys I'm having some annoying problems with my ka, it starts right up, but dies unless I hold the gas, and when I do hold the gas my car constantly misfires.

this is a 1990 singlecam by the way.
all stock

Things I have noticed:
-Misfires constantly if i hold down the gas
-really low idle
-previous spark plugs were black, oily and smelt of fuel
-white smoke shoots from the exhaust
-Oil is typical color, blackish brown,but smells of fuel
-coolant is still very green
-Good spark between all four cylinders

Things I have tried/replaced:
-Cleaned Iacv, aac
-cleaned maf, didnt work so I got a new one and still doesnt work
-new fuel filter
-new fuel pump
-new fuel injecters, with new o-rings
-distributor,distributor cap and rotor
-new ngk wires/ ngk plugs

This has been bugging me for a week in a half now, would love to hear any suggestions or input. Thanks!
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