Originally Posted by MotorMounts
How you doin' Expert,
For the sake of all who read your posts I hope your other 11,134 posts were not so lacking of factual information. The world does not need another self proclaimed expert preaching a bunch of "I think". You know absolutely ZERO about those mounts on eBay, Z-E-R-O, nothing about the urethane used, the steel frame internals, the testing done or if there was ever a problem before their current design. But you will be the first guy to jump up and scream "I think...........blah blah blah" to make yourself sound smart, when you really don't "know". If you don't know, that's fine, none of us know it all, but if you don't have the facts, stay in the back of the bus with your mouth shut and ears open. You might learn something for the next time someone wants to know what you "know" not what you "think".
One more thing, unless you were selling urethane mounts over three years ago, there is no way the mounts you "used" to sell could have influenced the Ultra Mounts in any way. And, there is a huge difference between "selling" and "building". If you build it right a third grader can sell it.
How was that for a first post, Boo........Yaa
LOL Wow typical noob you are.
Oh and yeah I was selling Urethane mounts over three years ago actually 4-5 years ago to be exact, in fact we were selling urethane mounts before most people were stateside.
If you really had done your research on me? You would have seen that. I think you're the one with your head firmly planted up your ass. I bet you are the one selling those mounts on ebay? Since your screen is motormounts.
It should be motormouth!
Oh and mister noob trying to school a long time member. I don't post without facts and you did not even quote me. You did not even paraphrase me. I never said I knew those mounts. I stated based on what they posted why it might not be a good idea.
You are just a little to quick on defensive, which usually means I struck a nerve and I am probably right. Just an observation based on your knee jerk reaction.
You already blew your defensive. give it up loser.