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Old 04-10-2009, 04:56 PM   #13
Join Date: Mar 2009
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MortsAccord is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by toointoxicated62 View Post
this coming from the guy that comes on this forum asking about a altima. do your own research, we use rwd ka's not fwd.. Like projectRDM said find the stock pulleys part number, then check to see if the fwd ka's pulley is the same. if they are use the aftermark underdrive pulley.


They share an engine, reguardless of Rwd/Fwd some basic knowledge says most of the engine parts will transfer over from one car to the other. I guess this isn't a good enthusiast forum to ask on as this thread has beyond failed to reach even an approximate reason as to why the pulley is not, or cannot be shared. As a matter of fact the only reasoning here has been my own.

The general reply seems to be flaming and ignorance over technical responses. I hoped to avoid this by posting in a technical talk forum but the internet is coverd in arrogant mindless ranting fools. As for searching for a part number the closest I've come up with is some belts that match or says they are used in both vehicles. You assume that a search was never conducted on my own... I was unable to find a crank pulley/ harmonic damper on even which has a very extensive list of parts for virtually ever car made. Thus your point of searching for part numbers is quite mute. After all how often does a stock pulley fail? I would venture to say virtually never.

The real enthusiast's that use this forum and may know the difference in the pulleys used either don't exist here or left because of what I see to be a poor forum community.

Asshat, go increase your post count elsewhere.
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