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Old 12-11-2012, 11:28 AM   #13
Zilvia FREAK!
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The whole dog thing is a complete joke. Its proven that chihuahuas bite more people then any of the "vicious" dogs (hence the reason why they're called "ankle biters") and you don't see them being banned. Its crazy.

Just because it can't do as much "damage" doesn't mean it feels good and can't traumatize a kid, or transmit rabies any less than the real "vicious" dogs.

I've been around big dogs all my life (German Sheps, Rotts, Malamutes, Pitts) and out of all of them the NICEST was the Pitt.

I was first introduced to it when I was 8 and she was pretty dangerous!


When it comes to ANY animal, 90% comes from the training of the owner and how much time they put in socializing the animal. There are just a lot of Lazy people out there that just like the look of an animal instead of really doing their homework to see what the needs are of their pets and how much WORK they really are.

They are not fashion accessories or STATUS symbols.

*end rant*
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