I was reading page 1 and I also have to agree about the "instant gratification" theory. Seems like many just want to buy these cars completed, not build anything.
ex. I have a friend who sold an S13, this one
Pretty much done, done done. He built it, and moved on.
The fellow he sold it to, a nice guy, unfortunately knows nothing of cars. The guy called me over once to diagnose a mis-fire, I Knew right away what he had done and even told him over the phone before I came out. He had replaced the plugs and only gapped 3 out of 4 of them.
It's one thing to read online how to do something and try to follow a list "recipe" for fixing or maintaining a vehicle,
and it is another thing entirely to understand what you are doing to the vehicle and why, what it really needs/wants, not just what the list says to do to it.
Talk to ur cars