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Old 02-02-2013, 11:29 AM   #30
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You guys trying to say there is no such think as an aggressive pit are crazy. Every full blooded dog out there has traits that were bred into them throughout generations of selective breeding. For decades the under belly of society bred pits for fighting, one trait they looked for, aggression. And while there were still responsible breeders out there breeding for the right reasons, the pollution of the genetics was still present. It will take generations of breeding to get that out of some blood lines of pits. It will take responsible breeders carefully selecting great temperament bitches and studs to "clean up" the gene pool. The same way that breeders have done with Rotts over the last two decades. I'm in my mid 30's, when I was a kid my neighbors were good breeders of Rotts, and it was hard to find one back then that didn't have an aggressive personality. Now look around, there are always well behaved, great temperament, examples of that breed around. And that's what it's going to take for pits. You responsible owners out there have to step up, and instead of thinking everyone is against you and all of the breed, educate them on what needs to be done, and get these people that want to kill all pits, to understand they need to support proper selective breeding, and an overhaul of the genetics of the breed. You have to get these dogs out of the gene pool that these "under belly" breeders are breeding for money, even though the dog shows plenty of signs of aggression. A good owner and trainer can take any dog and make a good example of it when they are there and in control. The signs of a good bloodline and breed that will make a good pet, is when an amateur owner can do the same thing with one of your puppies.

I personally breed Great Danes (also on the vicious dog list for some strange ass reason) and as a responsible breeder all my puppies go out on a spay/neuter contract. If I get a dog that shows the wrong temperament, I don't breed that dog. Why?? Because these things CAN get passed on. People that say aggression is in the training and not in the traits of a dog are lying to themselves. Those of you that know better, stand up and be the voice of your breed, educate people instead of arguing with them that all pits can be good dogs. Because the truth is that gene pool is so polluted with aggressive genes from bad breeders, that unfortunately some dogs are going to just be naturally aggressive. Those dogs need to not be bred, and go to experienced pit owners.

Someone mentioned Montana, and I've seen several articles about the pit population up there and how huge of an impact responsible selective breeding has had on the temperament of the breed. They should be used as a templet across the country.

This practice is something that responsible breeders of any breed do, if breeders get an aggressive lab, they don't breed it. It's actually part of what AKC's mission is. If you are a registered breeder your are suppose to breed for the betterment of the breed, not profit. For far too long pit breeders in these under classed or low income areas have bred for profit, with dogs that genetically are traced back to dog fighting, where they were bred for aggression. That needs to be stopped!!!!

There are still clean bloodlines out there, that are dogs that are the perfect nanny, these are the dogs that need to be picked out, and bred for the betterment of the breed. The problem is, these puppies aren't cheap, because responsible breeding isn't cheap. So many times someone wants a pit puppy and they find the ones that are "free" or "$100". I'm here to tell you, I will sell my next little of Dane puppies for $2300/each, and I won't be making much profit when you factor in my time, research, an medical cost of being a responsible breeder.
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Last edited by holemilk00; 02-02-2013 at 12:52 PM..
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