So I pushed it into the garage and left it again for a few days, while I did an exhaustive search of this forum, and NICO, and 240sxforums, and Google to find a remedy. I couldn't find anything with the exact problem, but a lot of the symptoms matched several other issues.
I rechecked my wiring which seemed good. Spark plugs were inspected, which were wet with fuel from trying to start the car. I then checked the ECT sensor which tested bad. Bought a new one, put it in, and also moved the ground for the ignition harness from the back of the head to the firewall.
The car started up fine on the first try. Drove the car around the neighborhood for a while and it felt great. With the boost leaks fixed, it again felt like a new car. Well me and the wife hopped in the car to visit my parents. We made it to 5 min down the road and the car started cutting out again, really violently. I did a u-turn and headed back to the house. We made it to about a mile from the house, and made the last turn and started running like it was on 2 cylinders. The car would barely move under its own power. It backfired like it had a anti-lag system on the car. Pulled in the drive way then it died again.
So my next round of tests was the CAS, TPS, and replacing my EGI, and EGI pump relay.
While spinning the CAS the fuel injectors would fire, but when the spark plugs were grounded they would not fire. TPS checked good and known good relays were installed.
I pulled the ignition harness and went through all the wires. No obvious bad wires. I didn't put a tester on any of them however. I put everything back together and the car, once again fired right up. I put about 30 miles on the car with no more issues. So I started driving it back to work again. 70 miles later, no more problems.
Then while I was on my lunch break, I was idling in the parking lot the car died. Started back up though. So I cut it off, and prayed that I would make it home in the morning. The car started and got me about 5 miles from the house again then while I was going around a curve the engine started cutting out again. I go to pull into a driveway, and the engine died as soon as I engaged the clutch. Twenty minutes later I was still sitting there. Trying everything that I had done earlier to get it to start and nothing was working.