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Maverick06xx 06-29-2019 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by Kingtal0n (Post 6348526)
I used these fans successfully in turbo V8 swap.

I think it can handle SR
One of the main things is the shroud around the fan. The area between fan and radiator, has to be fairly air tight to work well. Especially for dense radiators with condensers and intercoolers in front of them.
To do this cost effective, I take junkyard flexible heat barrier materials and sort of wrap it around the shroud/radiator to close the space.

Any pics of your setup?

Mikester 06-29-2019 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by Maverick06xx (Post 6348523)
Hey mike, thanks for the advie, question i have a s14 car with s13 radiator what shroud and fan do i need? One from s13 car to fit my s13 radiator or s14 car?

I couldn’t tell you for sure and would not want to steer you in the wrong direction. My ONLY experience is with 180SX & 240SX S13’s. Hopefully someone with S-chassis mix/match experience will chime in.


Maverick06xx 06-29-2019 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by Mikester (Post 6348534)
I couldn’t tell you for sure and would not want to steer you in the wrong direction. My ONLY experience is with 180SX & 240SX S13’s. Hopefully someone with S-chassis mix/match experience will chime in.


Understood, thanks Mike

Kingtal0n 06-30-2019 01:27 AM

Cant really see the fan but its easy to remove
You can see the material acting as a shroud-barrier. Its sort of aluminum colored, reflective, but also insulating material and is very pliable and soft.

Kingtal0n 06-30-2019 01:28 AM

Double post
might as well use the space for something I guess

I have the factory LOW and HIGH fan relays together driving 1 fan
And a separate 40amp relay/fuse by the computer which uses the main power feed from the battery (instead of through the OEM fuse box)
The other fuses are for injectors, coils, and computer. The computer takes its power directly from the battery and consequently through another separate fuse in the trunk (to avoid the start power wire which the starter inductor will spike with voltage)

heres how that looks
The small fuse is for computer power. The big giant 60amp relay/fuse is for the fuel pump which is also in the trunk.

Maverick06xx 06-30-2019 06:59 AM

So the altima fans are keeping you pretty cool? Thats impressive for a turbo v8. I may sourse them out. My isr fan and shroud kicks on and stays on they never turn off. Wondering if i should keep my shroud and find some aftermarket 1w inch fans to replace these.

spitefulcheerio 07-03-2019 08:19 AM

Lemme throw my .02 in here

The ebay/no name fans need to go, 100%. Proper shrouding is a must with good electric fan or the stock clutch fan no way around it also. Consider mixing your fluid 80 water / 20 coolant with a full bottle of water wetter in. Coolant is actually a misnomer, the green stuff is antifreeze and acts as exactly that. It doesn’t aid in cooling. It does have anti rust properties tho so when you mix with a lower percentage of it DO NOT use distilled water. Tap water or hose water is better; the distilled water will be able to pull ions from the metal inside the block and cause corrosion faster.

This is what I’ve done on all 3 heavy track use race cars I’ve owned and never had a cooling issue ever.

Maverick06xx 07-03-2019 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by spitefulcheerio (Post 6348989)
Lemme throw my .02 in here

The ebay/no name fans need to go, 100%. Proper shrouding is a must with good electric fan or the stock clutch fan no way around it also. Consider mixing your fluid 80 water / 20 coolant with a full bottle of water wetter in. Coolant is actually a misnomer, the green stuff is antifreeze and acts as exactly that. It doesn’t aid in cooling. It does have anti rust properties tho so when you mix with a lower percentage of it DO NOT use distilled water. Tap water or hose water is better; the distilled water will be able to pull ions from the metal inside the block and cause corrosion faster.

This is what I’ve done on all 3 heavy track use race cars I’ve owned and never had a cooling issue ever.

Thank you sir, you your words. I always thought distilled water was better then tap water when mixing coolant. Im removong the ISR fans and shroud and getting a stock sr fan by GKtech and clutch. Now i need to find an s13 fan shroud.

Mikester 07-06-2019 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by Maverick06xx (Post 6349017)
Thank you sir, you your words. I always thought distilled water was better then tap water when mixing coolant. Im removong the ISR fans and shroud and getting a stock sr fan by GKtech and clutch. Now i need to find an s13 fan shroud.

I also thought distilled (or de-ionized) water was better, but have always just used 50/50 premix and called it good. No issues with higher temps, ever.

If you go with the GKtech fan and OEM/JDM shroud, you won't be disappointed. It pulls SERIOUS air. This is a photo taken at idle pulling through FMIC, oil cooler, AC condenser and 2" Koyo:


On that note, I would highly recommend a stock SR thermostat. I currently have a Nismo lower temp thermo in mine, and have the opposite problem- can't keep it warm enough.


Maverick06xx 07-06-2019 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by Mikester (Post 6349324)
I also thought distilled (or de-ionized) water was better, but have always just used 50/50 premix and called it good. No issues with higher temps, ever.

If you go with the GKtech fan and OEM/JDM shroud, you won't be disappointed. It pulls SERIOUS air. This is a photo taken at idle pulling through FMIC, oil cooler, AC condenser and 2" Koyo:


On that note, I would highly recommend a stock SR thermostat. I currently have a Nismo lower temp thermo in mine, and have the opposite problem- can't keep it warm enough.


Holy crap thats the GKtech fan setup pulling like that? Wow yea i get my fan and clutch today and will install it with the shroud. Thats why i didnt go to the thermostat, isr makes one like the nismo it opens at 140 so deff not going to use it im going to sell it. Any pics of your setup?

Mikester 07-06-2019 12:25 PM



**Off-Topic: The catch can lines are not quite correct as pictured. To run this style catch can optimally, the valve cover needs to be modified. Mentioned because some people notice these things :)


Again, the GKtech fan is awesome. The stock clutch fan is great too. But to echo others' previous words- Electric fans make a cleaner look and offer better throttle response- and the right setup will do just as well.

Just food for thought- An S14 water neck w/ Stance water neck adapter for the turbo's coolant return has no fitment issues whatsoever with the S13 SR, and you'd never again have to fiddle with coolant lines between the engine and firewall.


Don't remember if your car is a daily, fair weather queen or track car, but anything you can do to make the coolant and oil systems better or more maintainable while you have it apart will pay dividends later on.

Hope this helps!


Kingtal0n 07-07-2019 09:38 PM

Use distilled water in anything you care about

coffee makers, steam cleaners, auto-claves, and engine cooling systems.

A major goal of (engine/reactor) cooling and use of water in devices is to minimize the ionic/mineral content of water and keep it low by continuously flushing over the years with fresh distilled water (and necessary additives). Electrolysis corrodes engine metals away and occurs when electrical conduction takes places which can only happen when there are ions present. Water purity is often measured in terms of its conduction. So the goal is to minimize conduction/ions which means starting out with as few as possible.

The reason some coolants say "can be mixed or used with tap water" is because they contain chelaters and molecular shells which scavenge some unwanted entities from tap water to render them harmless. But that is sort of like drinking dirty pond water and then expecting your immune system to sort the mess out; Instead, just drink the pure water to begin with

When you buy 50/50 premixed coolants that 50% of water is distilled water

I recommend 90% distilled and 5-15% green antifreeze for Florida cooling systems if the cooling system will be shut for 5~ years or more. Otherwise 100% distilled is great because you can spill it anywhere.

Maverick06xx 07-07-2019 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by Kingtal0n (Post 6349473)
Use distilled water in anything you care about

coffee makers, steam cleaners, auto-claves, and engine cooling systems.

A major goal of (engine/reactor) cooling and use of water in devices is to minimize the ionic/mineral content of water and keep it low by continuously flushing over the years with fresh distilled water (and necessary additives). Electrolysis corrodes engine metals away and occurs when electrical conduction takes places which can only happen when there are ions present. Water purity is often measured in terms of its conduction. So the goal is to minimize conduction/ions which means starting out with as few as possible.

The reason some coolants say "can be mixed or used with tap water" is because they contain chelaters and molecular shells which scavenge some unwanted entities from tap water to render them harmless. But that is sort of like drinking dirty pond water and then expecting your immune system to sort the mess out; Instead, just drink the pure water to begin with

When you buy 50/50 premixed coolants that 50% of water is distilled water

I recommend 90% distilled and 5-15% green antifreeze for Florida cooling systems if the cooling system will be shut for 5~ years or more. Otherwise 100% distilled is great because you can spill it anywhere.

I dont get why you would use 100% distilled water or 90% distilled and 15% green keeps things cooler, cold you explain this?

Maverick06xx 07-07-2019 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by Mikester (Post 6349351)


**Off-Topic: The catch can lines are not quite correct as pictured. To run this style catch can optimally, the valve cover needs to be modified. Mentioned because some people notice these things :)


Again, the GKtech fan is awesome. The stock clutch fan is great too. But to echo others' previous words- Electric fans make a cleaner look and offer better throttle response- and the right setup will do just as well.

Just food for thought- An S14 water neck w/ Stance water neck adapter for the turbo's coolant return has no fitment issues whatsoever with the S13 SR, and you'd never again have to fiddle with coolant lines between the engine and firewall.


Don't remember if your car is a daily, fair weather queen or track car, but anything you can do to make the coolant and oil systems better or more maintainable while you have it apart will pay dividends later on.

Hope this helps!


Super clean engine bay sir. So i got the fan shroud mounted and GKtech fan but i never had a clutch fan setup on my 240sx. I bought the car with a single koyo fan with a copper koyo radiator and no shroud and it worked. I have a clutch fan setup from factory on my 99 cbevy s10 with 4.3 and when the clutch kicks in you hear it and its lpud for a few then goes away. My question is, is that the way its suspose to be on the nissan? I just hear the fan as i rev the car parked but i let the car idle and never heard the fan clutch kick on or off, could you give me soe i sight on this?

Kingtal0n 07-07-2019 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by Maverick06xx (Post 6349475)
I dont get why you would use 100% distilled water or 90% distilled and 15% green keeps things cooler, cold you explain this?

Antifreeze solutions contain cooling system "maintenance" molecules, perhaps a variety of corrosive inhibitors, chelators, PH buffer, detergent, etc... which will NOT help keeping things cooler but probably a good idea to have.

While distilled water by itself is truly ideal. It is very unlikely that you are pouring distilled water into a "pure" container. The existing cooling systems likely contain all manner of foreign materials, ranging from oil to organic compounds. Regardless of how well we think flushed the system.

So the addition of a 'stabilizer' is somewhat of a requirement, that changes depending on the application.
For example if racing around a track, the stabilizer would probably be limited to de-foaming agent and PH buffer, because you want the max amount of water in the cooling system for performance reasons. Water is the best coolant (for our vehicles, because it is safe); limit the use of everything else.

Mikester 07-08-2019 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by Maverick06xx (Post 6349476)
Super clean engine bay sir. So i got the fan shroud mounted and GKtech fan but i never had a clutch fan setup on my 240sx. I bought the car with a single koyo fan with a copper koyo radiator and no shroud and it worked. I have a clutch fan setup from factory on my 99 cbevy s10 with 4.3 and when the clutch kicks in you hear it and its lpud for a few then goes away. My question is, is that the way its suspose to be on the nissan? I just hear the fan as i rev the car parked but i let the car idle and never heard the fan clutch kick on or off, could you give me soe i sight on this?

I have never heard the SR’s clutch fan kick on or off. It’s always only revved with the engine. I’ve had this motor since 2005 when it was bone stock. Don’t think that it operates based on temperature, and don’t recall any electrical connections. I ‘think’ the ‘clutch’ is either a misnomer, or its there to allow slippage should the fan blades come into contact with something. Don’t want to talk out my ass, so if anybody reading this knows for sure, please chime in!


Maverick06xx 07-09-2019 06:54 AM

Mike i have never heard mine either. My 99 s10 4.3 i actually hear it kick on and off and its usually loud when kicking on because of how fast its spinning you hear the sir being pulled. Seeing that picture of your car with the plastic being pulled towards the bumper makes me think the clutch kicks on and turned pretty much into a vacuum like pull. I got my fan shroud and gktech fan with clutch installed and havent had any rise in temp ofer 190 so hopefully im good to go. Highway speeds my temps read 160 170 range which im happy with that.

Mikester 07-09-2019 07:05 AM

Googled, found this on Z1...

"The OEM SR fan clutch uses a viscous coupling to control fan speed based on engine temperature. It's a good design but after 20 years of use, most are simply worn out. Some fail by becoming too loose resulting in the fan spinning slower, often eventually resulting in overheating and catastrophic engine damage. Others fail by locking down and spinning at full engine speed all the time. When this happens the increased drag will rob considerable power and you will hear the sound of a lot of air rushing at idle and low speed."

Mystery solved lol... May swap mine out. Worse case, it will make no difference other than peace of mind.

Maverick06xx 07-09-2019 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by Mikester (Post 6349630)
So just because, I found this on Z1...

"The OEM SR fan clutch uses a viscous coupling to control fan speed based on engine temperature. It's a good design but after 20 years of use, most are simply worn out. Some fail by becoming too loose resulting in the fan spinning slower, often eventually resulting in overheating and catastrophic engine damage. Others fail by locking down and spinning at full engine speed all the time. When this happens the increased drag will rob considerable power and you will hear the sound of a lot of air rushing at idle and low speed."

May swap mine out. Worse case, it will make no difference other than peace of mind.

If you do let me know how it works out. Mine I hear it when parked and I tap on gas or bring the revs up slightly but that's it. Where is a good place to get one? I may invest in this as its worth the investment.

Mikester 07-09-2019 09:51 AM


Mikester 07-09-2019 09:52 AM

*Double Post*

Maverick06xx 07-09-2019 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by Mikester (Post 6349658)

found one here, these things have to be cheaper for the age.

Maverick06xx 07-09-2019 09:58 AM

I wonder if anyone here has replaced theirs with an aftermarket one from local parts store, a part number for reference would be great.

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