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-   -   DIY s13 chuki lip (gen4 Accord), side skirts (gen3 Legacy, gen2 Outback) (https://zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?t=433848)

jaysgottaredtop 02-04-2012 03:45 PM

DIY s13 chuki lip (gen4 Accord), side skirts (gen3 Legacy, gen2 Outback)
can't find a good thread to put these in, so i'm making one. deal with it.

90-91 ACCORD FRONT LIP. go to your local junkyard, find a 4th gen pre-facelift Accord ('90 and '91), and get the front lip. mine was $10. it's too wide and doesn't extend back far enough to directly fit the chuki bumper, BUT its overall "length" (or "perimeter" if you will) is dead perfect.

to do it yo'self: simply notch the accord lip's mounting surface to allow it to curve closer to the middle and straighten out towards the wheel well. with your chuki bumper off and upside down, carefully mock up the lip and drill a few holes thru the bumper/lip for zip ties. you'll be able to zip tie it corner to corner. it lines up so well, no one will realize it isn't stock.


a little dirty, but you get the idea.

98-03 LEGACY, 00-04 OUTBACK SIDE SKIRTS. go to a local junkyard and hope/pray they have such new cars. if they somehow do, get those skirts. mine were $30 for the pair. they f'kin rule for so many reasons.

1) they look cool. they have bulges similar in style to the s14 kouki sides, except they mainly bulge out, not down.
2) the front end-cap fits the rear s13 wheel well dead on.
3) that end-cap lines the skirt up PURRRRR-FECTLY with the s13's lower body line (same line the OEM skirts follow).
4) the underside "tray" part of the skirt gets just close enough to the pinch weld to use as a mounting point, but doesn't hit/interfere.
5) the front side can be trimmed to line up with everything there too.
6) because they follow the body line so perfectly, there is no interference with the door opening/closing.
7) $30 and an afternoon of careful cutting and drilling. seriously. you can't beat that.

to do it yo'self: test fit the Legacy skirts "backwards" so to speak; right side mounts on the left, left side on the right. the [now] rear end-cap butts up perfectly on the rear wheel well, and has a hole in place for mounting. mark that spot on your s13 wheel well lip and drill it for a zip tie. for the front, mark where the skirt reaches the wheel well and cut off that extra 8 or 10 inches of overhang with a dremel. drill a couple holes in the bottom side of the skirt (it'll be obvious where exactly) and mount it (w/ zip ties, duh, but seriously they work best) to the lower mud flap mounting hole and the two fender-to-pinch-weld holes. done.

i have no front end-caps cuz i'm lazy, but you could make some pretty easily with abs/plastic/whatever and some glue/sealer.









now i need rear valences. i'll probably just use some shortened mudflaps to continue being cheap.

in closing: $40 total, looks great, can't complain, suck it :fawk:

*EDIT* fancy pics! see page 2 for more.



*EDIT* painted that shit to match.


*EDIT* REAR VALENCES (TRIMMED/PAINTED MUDFLAPS) added. see page 3 for brief how-to. the pair was $10 at a local junkyard, bringing my ghetto aero package (lip, skirts, and valences) to a grand total of 50 bucks :fawk:




*EDIT* 90-91 ACCORD FRONT LIP ON SILVIA FRONT as copied from my post on page 4.

my housemate just got around to notching a '90-'91 accord front lip for his Silvia front end. came out super clean. the only main difference is the "perimeter" of the Silvia bumper/fenders is shorter than my Chuki by a few inches, so he had to trim off about 2" on each side where the lip would otherwise overhang into the wheel well.




*EDIT* NOW WITH MOAR PIGNOSE. fyi, these skirts flow super well with a pignose bumper/lip combo.



xxcivic96xx 02-04-2012 07:12 PM

nice find! i think it looks really good! thanks for sharing

iLagX 02-04-2012 07:14 PM

thank you!!!

jaysgottaredtop 02-04-2012 07:14 PM

thanks! i need to find someone with a better camera, mine doesn't bring out the colors and detail very well. the skirts look 100% OEM in person. i swear they were made for an s13, then extended to fit a Legacy, haha

silviaks2nr 02-06-2012 08:34 PM

Looks really slick in person. Nice job Jay

Wake 02-06-2012 08:40 PM

I must say, bravo. those sideskirts actually do look decent.

Your car is a whore of other brands though lol

godrifttoday 02-07-2012 01:34 AM


Edwin562 02-07-2012 01:50 AM

bravo sir... good job

91cupcake240 02-07-2012 10:55 AM

Looks pretty good!

rcdad123 02-07-2012 11:05 AM

looks good. are those starion wheels all rears or all front? i have a set on my toyota truck and i`m thinking of putting them on my s13 hatch.

jaysgottaredtop 02-07-2012 04:09 PM

thanks! they're the the 16x9 +0 SHP rears all around, with 245/45s.

DreamN 02-07-2012 04:16 PM

Not bad, doubt I'd ever do it though.

Sergio180sx 02-07-2012 04:22 PM

nice write up man!!

HyperTek 02-07-2012 06:22 PM

color match the lip with spray paint and your rockin

jaysgottaredtop 02-07-2012 06:33 PM

^ yeah for sure. i have the can already. next time i have to jack up the front, i'll remove the lip and bomb it red.

h2v7 02-07-2012 07:35 PM

no shit on side skirts not bad

need something in the rear now however

i seen pignose lip on the rear kinda funky but you need somethinng

bataangpinoy 02-07-2012 07:46 PM

i love the ingenuity.

jaysgottaredtop 02-07-2012 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by h2v7 (Post 4506844)
no shit on side skirts not bad

need something in the rear now however

i seen pignose lip on the rear kinda funky but you need somethinng

yeah, i mentioned that at the end of the post. i'll either be cheap and get some factory mudflaps (just the "valence" part, not the "flap" part), or i'll finally cough up money for something real, haha

StoobyMcDooby 02-10-2012 09:05 AM

PM sent, good job

zooopreme 02-10-2012 09:12 AM

Oh wow, the Legacy skirts look good, thanks for the write up!

nigganamebrian 02-11-2012 09:07 AM

nice write up! car looks good

blockedwizard 02-11-2012 07:04 PM

time for me to hit up the local junk yards, money is short so time to improvise!

thanks for posting

corry29 02-11-2012 07:21 PM

Wow, your car looks really good. Very good mix and match! Just need to clean it up a bit and its gold!

tapdeznutz 02-13-2012 04:57 PM

where did you get the fender trims from. i love those...

20 til 3 02-13-2012 05:24 PM

just put that hot road valance on your car thats on the one in the background haha

i'm pretty sure the accord rear lips are to boxy for the hatch's over the s14's but you might want to try that

Run NoeL, Run! 02-14-2012 12:04 AM

Nice find. Didn't know you can slap some different makes on the front end.

NoPistons! 02-14-2012 10:20 AM

Want to try this out on the coupe. Thanks.

Slammed Assassin 02-14-2012 10:30 AM

Whoa!! Good find!!

DEMo 02-14-2012 10:34 AM

Gen2 legacy skirts work too.

benz88 02-14-2012 12:38 PM

That lip looks just like the factory one, just abit bigger. Nice!

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