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GabeS14 05-09-2010 11:12 PM

WB S14 Totalled in Hollywood Updates-Rebuild-Mk4Supra new build
Please, read..
Some of you may have seen my car before...
some from the Photoshoot with Milton's (SCWEET) sc400, and some from the Wheel fitment thread.
I recently had a lot of work done to my S14 and it was my pride and joy.
as much as people say it's impossible to be unique, I beleive I built something pretty unique! it was ready for paint the plan was to do a custom candy purple, 6 days after my birthday, something horrible happened...

March 9th I was headed to school when a lady hit my car, in a freak and almost unexplicable accident.....
She crossed three lanes and slammed into my rear quarter panel, I watched "in horrer" in slowmotion
kinda" as she moved tried to drive straight through my car to make a turn.
the accident caused me to spin out and end up under a semi truck(18 wheeler) which dragged me for half a block..., I wasn't seriously hurt, but my car was destroyed!!!

I am very freaked out because LAPD came to the scene took a lot of notes and guess what? did not file a POLICE REPORT!
when I asked why, they said standard procedure when there is no serious injuries( no one is taken in an ambulance) they dont make an official police report,

HERE IS WHERE I NEED HELP and why I am posting this:

I know there was one witness, the police said someone had called in shortly after the accident,when I asked for a copy of the report or the witnesses info they said that I had to wait till the police report came out, now 1 month later I find out there actually is no report and the report the statement made is no where to be found.
If any one has any info or possibly saw this happen please contact me asap.
My lawyer is talking about dropping the case if we dont have the witness or the police report.I remember seeing a few 240's in the area and even after the accident I saw 240's parked nearby but there was a big crowd and I wasn't able to find any witnesses myself
please help by reposting as much as possible, I am also posting on Nico, and craigslist.
Pics are below:

ILLES13 05-09-2010 11:19 PM

Wow man, i'm a good friend of Milt's too.

Sorry about your loss man, the car was beautiful.
I hope you find the right person who can help you

HyperTek 05-09-2010 11:20 PM

that sucks man.. someone did a hit and run on my car back in 03 and i got a police report on it..

godrifttoday 05-09-2010 11:21 PM

Are u selling the good pair?

GabeS14 05-09-2010 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by ILLES13 (Post 3436598)
Wow man, i'm a good friend of Milt's too.

Sorry about your loss man, the car was beautiful.
I hope you find the right person who can help you

Thanks man, I know it sounds crazy, I I know a lot of people saw the accident, Hollywood is sooo busy at 5 pm there must have been at least 100 witnesses, I was so amazed no one came to help or give their name as witnesses...
I stopped so many times before to help or give my name as witness in acidents, especially with nissans involved,
I know the community is huge so there is a chance someone saw it.

Kouki_monstr 05-09-2010 11:28 PM

man...hard to look at...Glad your ok Gabe & good luck....had a similiar accident happen and the f@#$% got away with it and i got nothing...

BustedS13 05-09-2010 11:34 PM

wait, so you got hit by a car, which knocked you under a moving semi truck, which then dragged you down the street?

shoulda had a gopro hero, that would have been a SICK vid

shiftdrift 05-09-2010 11:48 PM

you're a dick dude....but anyways, that really sucks, hope you can get down to the bottom of it and get some money back.

Slammed Assassin 05-09-2010 11:57 PM

omg i saw this at the track a couple months ago, it was so dopee! Im glad to hear your okae. hope you get everything settled!

199240sxcoupe 05-10-2010 12:15 AM

that sucks sexy s14
glad you are ok

sickstatus 05-10-2010 12:17 AM

im sorry for ur lost, is there any way u can get video footage from the stores? if there was stores. might be hard bkuz it was over a month ago.

GabeS14 05-10-2010 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by BustedS13 (Post 3436625)
wait, so you got hit by a car, which knocked you under a moving semi truck, which then dragged you down the street?

shoulda had a gopro hero, that would have been a SICK vid

harsh, but yea, i do agree it was a freak accident, got spun into a 180 jumped the curb b..back into the street, then hit a 2nd car, then kept sliding across 3 lanes, and hit the rear wheels of the truck, by some miracle I didnt go under the wheels, they spit me out to the side ad=nd i got caught by the rear tail/bumper of the semi which caught on my fender and roof, and dragged me..


Originally Posted by BigBuddahboi (Post 3436654)
omg i saw this at the track a couple months ago, it was so dopee! Im glad to hear your okae. hope you get everything settled!

well, car is professionally upraised and all so so I would get the entire value of the car, the problem is without a police report, or a witness i have nothing,
I am hoping someone who saw it happen sees my threads I also posted on craigslist and nico.

GabeS14 05-10-2010 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by sickstatus (Post 3436678)
im sorry for ur lost, is there any way u can get video footage from the stores? if there was stores. might be hard bkuz it was over a month ago.

Yes there is partial video footage, but it only captures the final collision with the truck and not the most important part!

slideways2004 05-10-2010 12:29 AM

This is a horrible situation. I really hope you get it figured out.

GSXRJJordan 05-10-2010 12:40 AM

Gabe, the only guy I know who talked about it is Heath (Shmex on Socal-drift, link), but I don't know how much he saw.

Didn't the other lady have matching damage from the first contact with your car?

GabeS14 05-10-2010 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by GSXRJJordan (Post 3436716)
Gabe, the only guy I know who talked about it is Heath (Shmex on Socal-drift, link), but I don't know how much he saw.

Didn't the other lady have matching damage from the first contact with your car?

Yes she does, perfect damage on her fender(front) matching the damage on my rear fender, she says of course I shifted into her lane..
she also had a dog in the front seat!
the skid marks also show my car in the 3rd lane and then sliding into the curb, then spin marks, its crazy how no invstigation whatsoever by the insurance company even happens, they just came to my house and took pics then they said if i had pics i could send it to them..

javib00st 05-10-2010 01:00 AM


no serious injuries
whaaaaattt!?! can you see that wheel! hurts to look through those pics. pimp down!

EDacIouSX 05-10-2010 01:06 AM

wow gabe, i feel bad for you. I haven't see you out at a meet since the arcadia one. sorry man, good luck finding any info :(.

Touge_Monster 05-10-2010 01:16 AM

So is she not admitting fault?

I had 2 accidents. One I was t boned by someone running a red light (cops came no police report, and I got reff ticket) and the second one I got rear ended (cops came no police report again). Both cases my car was tottaled but luckily they admitted fault. Maybe try contacting her.

1on1 05-10-2010 01:40 AM

glad you're ok and nice care btw. i really hope people can help you out.

Unknown007 05-10-2010 01:49 AM

WHAT THE HELL!!!I hate cops to the max seriously.IDK but if this was me I would've got the ladies info and plates.Took pictures myself and if she refused to offer info I would have then took down the other car's plates and info involved.I know it's too much to do at the shocking time but something to keep in mind since some people are so retarded and can't drive.Hope everything turns out good.Try haunt that lady down hopefully her car hasn't been fixed.

Wake 05-10-2010 02:14 AM

Damn Gabe!!

Super sorry to hear it dude but luckily you escaped unharmed.

Those are vans old wheels right? Im gonna have to tell him next time I talk to him.

Slammed Assassin 05-10-2010 02:58 AM

damn i hate the fact that she wont admit that she is at fault. Cops have to quit making excuses to not write a police report. If a life was at serious risk they should make an extra step to help evaluate future situations. Its their job and should fulfill tax payers money. Thats from my perspective

i see myself chillin' on the trailer in your third pic.

EccentricAces 05-10-2010 03:04 AM

Man that is F'd up foreals...

Good to see that your okay Gabe and most importantly have no major injuries.

JDM Sil4ty 05-10-2010 05:50 AM

thats hella efffed up .. hellafresh 14 Gabe ... very UNIQUE .. hope you find someone to really help you with your situation ..

LayNLow 05-10-2010 06:01 AM

Awwww man!!! Seeing the pics almost brought a tear to my eye! Your 14 was SOOO awesome.
Good luck with your situation, and good to hear you werent hurt.

nathanong87 05-10-2010 06:23 AM

F the police coming straight from the underground

punxva 05-10-2010 06:50 AM

gabe i'm glad your alright, hopefully you'll be able to find someone that saw this.

xpinoyxmk 05-10-2010 07:13 AM

F'in cops man. Dumbass motherf'ers. About same thing happened to me over here.

3 lane one way road, i was in left lane, dude is in right lane, coming up to a green light at about 50mph, dude decides to cut across 2 lanes without signaling, outta nowhere just cut across like a drunk, i ended up T-boning him, my whole front end was pushed about 3-4ft in, his car kinda looked like your quarters. Cops decides he doesnt want to file a police report, so he says to exchange information, i didnt know at the time that a police report would make such a big difference in time. Ended up waiting 2 months after wreck with no car, but ended up getting double what the car was worth lol. Dumbass insurance company.

All the evidence should be on your car and hers. If the insurance company cant figure that out, then sue them.

What about the semi driver? he didnt see anything?

What kind of car was she driving? Get that money from that bitch.

CamryOnBronze 05-10-2010 07:45 AM

Really sorry to see this man, that's terrible- but I am glad you're alright. Best of luck with getting everything sorted out- hopefully someone will come forward.

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