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zerobee 05-07-2019 02:31 PM

S13 braking/electrical issue
Having strange electrical issues, really out of ideas here.

It started one evening when my headlights wouldn't turn on, checked my fuse and connections it was fine. Ended up being my combo switch so I cleaned it and it started working again.

But now it's giving more issues. While I'm driving my headlights will flicker on and off and sometimes the driver side will completely die. Then when I apply the brakes the lights turn off for a quick second and my radio sometimes will turn off for a quick second then come back on.

I did have a bad battery and alternator but I replaced them and still having the issue. Im thinking I messed up while cleaning the combo switch or perhaps my hid kit is dying. Any suggestions where to look next?

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using Tapatalk

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