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11Past9 01-30-2010 07:19 PM

What do you think will look the best?
I am looking for new wheels for my S14 and I am running tokiko blue shocks and s-tech springs. People see the pics and keep commenting that the car needs to be lowered but I don't want coilovers.

I know I want to run a 9 inch wheel all around. But will 18's look better or fill the gap better than a 17x9? I just don't want the truck like look, the S14 is a sleek very horizontally narrow car and HUGE rollers seem to look weird. But what would take care of the gap best without doing coilovers.

here is a decent shot of how it sits on 17x8 evo wheels with 235/45's.


Whatta ya think

fliprayzin240sx 01-30-2010 09:16 PM

So you are going to attempt to slap a bigger diameter wheel to lessen the wheel gap? So lets think about this for a second. You want to fill in the gap but dont put into consideration that itll raise the car higher and making it more look like a 4x4. Only way to lessen a wheel gap is by lowering the car more. There is no buts or ifs around it.

PS: You need to stop posting...starting to get sick and tired of fucking spoon feeding you. I've seen 5 year olds make better decisions on their own than you.

Max_PSi 01-31-2010 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by 11Past9 (Post 3267657)
I am looking for new wheels for my S14 and I am running tokiko blue shocks and s-tech springs. People see the pics and keep commenting that the car needs to be lowered but I don't want coilovers.

Yea, the only way to get rid of the gap is to lower the car, your just gonna wind up with 18's and the same amount of gap.

Wheels don't lower your car, suspenion does. And your not willing to change your setup, so prepare to be disappointed with the replies.

g-via 01-31-2010 03:46 PM

without installing coilovers, reducing the gap can be acheived by cutting your springs.

but seriously.

18's aren't "HUGE ROLLERS". go for it

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