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Rbrum 12-09-2009 10:32 PM

best way to keep ur 240 from being stolen?
i have a 92 and around my area there is a good amount of car thefts because of the short distance to Camden (NJ). Some people i know have had there cars stolen one actually last month. had a b16 swapped out hatch stolen from the mall and found 3 days later stripped to death in camden. I was wondering what the best way to keep your car safe? other then buying an expensive alarm?

P_856 12-09-2009 10:40 PM

lol dude i live in camden ur cool, 240s are still under the radar just lock ur doors get one of those culbs or the autolock that hooks onto the foot brake

IMPORTIMAGE 12-09-2009 10:42 PM

Unfortunately unless you have a garage.

Alarm is the only way to go.

If someone wants to steal your car. They are going to do it.

Things you can do without an alarm are: Make sure your doors are locked. Try to park in your driveway not in the street.

That's all i've got without an alarm... Good luck! And if you decide to go with an alarm PM me ;)

[email protected]

yokotavia 12-09-2009 10:50 PM

everytime you park your car somewhere unsafe, pop your hood and remove a few random fuses or relays.

chances are a theif in a hurry will have no idea why the car wont start

would blow doing it all the time, so thats my only other idea other than what is already said

iambape 12-09-2009 10:52 PM

i got a clifford 2-way.

will tell you if your car is getting broken into.

OR once you get out of your car. take out the fuel fuse and disconnect your MAF sensor =]

AS240 12-09-2009 10:59 PM

pull your ecu and install a kill switch for ignition or on the fuel pump.
my s13 is rb swapped so when i go to san antonio (car theft is baaaad), i take out my ecu, flip my fuel cut and take out my safc.

westly7 12-10-2009 12:08 AM

those thingy that hooks to your footbrake is pretty good and cheap too i guess

Rbrum 12-10-2009 04:44 AM

yea i was thinking the plug that purges the fuel system? lol i didnt wanna sound stupid so i didnt post it right away but i know in the 300zx its a green plug under the driver side kick panel.

rb25_s13*CHUKI 12-10-2009 05:28 AM

Hmm I wouldn't start giving out all the quick anti theft tips that some of us do. Not online. just gives the thieves on here more ideas and know how to take our shit and I know you are here watching us all. :nono::nono::nono::nono:

revat619 12-10-2009 05:31 AM

A garage and a big, strong as shit dog that alerts you when someone parks or even walks near your house and doesn't take kindly to anyone that doesn't live in your house unless you say so.

Out and about, just make your car as tedious to steal for a potential thief as possible.

Billiam151 12-10-2009 07:30 AM

Anti theft
I just thought of a Anti-Theft device..

Remove the shifter from the car.. Not going anywhere without that.
(in a five speed that is)

I would think that most thieves want to get in quick and go, they may have some of the basic stuff to make the car go but a shifter? hmmm?

We can call it the Quik disconnect shifter!:cool:

s-cargo 12-10-2009 08:03 AM

quick disconnect steering wheel lol.. cant go anywhere without a steering wheel!!

AS240 12-10-2009 08:09 AM

a good theif will keep spare fuses and such, thats why i pull my ecu. its kinda unlikely for a theif to just happen to have a ecu on him lol tint you windows too as dark as possible if you havent. the less they can see on the inside the better

iambape 12-10-2009 08:14 PM

^^ theyll just snap on their steering wheel.

Billiam151 12-10-2009 10:03 PM

Im for the quick disconnect shifter.. they can bring their own steering wheel but how many carry a shifter.

Or maybe a shifter lock??????

ECU seems like a good idea also, although they can bring one with them...

jimmytango00 12-10-2009 10:10 PM

disconnect the starter signal wire.

PinkPanther 12-10-2009 10:14 PM

keep it stock

D.Adams 12-10-2009 11:31 PM

well i have the same issue. i travel allot and my currant 240 is my daily driver. so today i ordered LoJack ProximityPlus this is the best lojack unit available you can track your car from your home PC and it will email or text you if the car goes over the set speed or out of the the boundary area you set for the car. When or if your car ever gets stolen you can pull the program up for the cops and have them go get it. Plus if you let someone drive your car you can see where they go and how fast they are going. Its 30% off till the first of the year. The unit cost 199 and then you got to pay for a year contract wich was 170. Once the 1 year contract is up its $14 a month. i also have mobile defense on my cell phone because i have had 2 tmobile G1's stolen this dose the same thing as lojack.

this is not a sales pitch its just the best way to secure your car. Another plus is it will lower your car insurance allot .

Also if you sell the car you can remove the unit and put it in any car that you buy or want.

so i will have a viper alarm with key fob kill switch and lojack .

Jacob'S13 12-10-2009 11:57 PM

1. clutch lock
2. detach steering
3. steering hub lock
4. couple kill switches wouldnt hurt.

J-F(rx-team) 12-11-2009 12:01 AM

Quick release steering wheel, anti theft, switch cut off fuel pump

KA-T_240 12-11-2009 12:13 AM

Locked garage is the best place to put it. If it can't be in a garage park it as close to ou house or garage as you can. Even park a car behind it so that they have to do even more work to steal your car.

The odds are anyone that is not just a random OMG I am going to steal your car type of theif is going to know more then you want them to about your car, and maybe even you. They proabably have looked at your car before(in your driveway, at a parking lot, events...) The obivious methods like a removeable steering wheel, alarm system and all that are strong methods to prevent theft. Its the little things you do that makes the car either hard to start, move, or get into that count. These are the things that a thief will not see coming.

Tokendog 12-11-2009 08:11 AM

This is the one I am ordering soon...

YouTube - Trunk Monkey 4 - Theft retrieval system

Tokendog 12-11-2009 08:14 AM

They have different models too...the best model has all of the features, as shown here...
YouTube - Trunk Monkey Compilation

240sxvaj 12-12-2009 12:01 AM

unplug your brake lines so they wont get anywhere lol!

make some electric shock seat belt lol!

180 drifter 12-12-2009 02:51 AM

i vote kill switches in random places around the car where only you would know where find em. that way you know if someone steals your car, there is a small list of people who would have seen what you did to get your car started. plus everything stated above haha

SlideWell 12-12-2009 03:35 AM

Ravelco Anti Theft Device after you get that, buy LoJack. Ravelco is anti-theft, LoJack is GPS tracking. pretty much in case they are able to tow your car, LoJack is covering your ass.

Ceepo 12-12-2009 01:49 PM

Im kinda diggin taht Ravelco product, never seen or heard of it but i am gonna look into that, i would get lojack but the area im in doesnt offer that...

hOngsterr 12-12-2009 02:42 PM

unplug the dizzy but dont make it obiv, unplug it so it looks likes its pluged in but its not,

then like others say, unplug some fuses

blitzsti22 12-12-2009 03:08 PM

fake s14 alarm light ftw

StaticX27 12-12-2009 03:23 PM

clutch lock and a quick disconnect steering wheel w/ hub lock. When you park, make sure you crank your steering wheel over to a side, so that way if they try and pull it out, it'll hit everything around it. I'd rather have a crumpled beer can of parts I can transfer to a new chassis than to have no car :P. Basically, a tow truck driver picking up a car draws the "Sucks to be that guy" kind of attention. However, a tow truck driver pulling a car out of a parking spot banging it against all the cars next to you generates the "WTF is going on there, I gotta go check this out" attention.

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