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Zue 04-27-2012 09:00 PM

Help! S13 FLCA Bolt Won't Budge
I've replaced my FLCA on my S13 once before. I don't care about the control arm that is on there now because I have a new arm with new joints. I disconnected the tension rod, sway bar linkage, etc. I tapped the side of the steering knuckle, no luck. I tried tapping the bolt, no luck. I even lubricated it with liquid wrench. I do not know what to try next. And by tap, I mean used a huge hammer and went to work, and had no luck. If anybody can shed any light, much appreciated.

Silvia716 04-27-2012 11:13 PM

Pb buster, impact gun, and a torch if worse comes to worse drill it out and get a new bolt

apex 04-28-2012 04:59 AM

pickle fork

Carbomb 04-28-2012 05:50 AM

cut the bolt on each side and slip it out the subframe I just did it to a zx

DennisC 04-28-2012 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by apex (Post 4660238)
pickle fork

This ^

cmg 04-29-2012 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by Zue (Post 4659795)
I've replaced my FLCA on my S13 once before. I don't care about the control arm that is on there now because I have a new arm with new joints. I disconnected the tension rod, sway bar linkage, etc. I tapped the side of the steering knuckle, no luck. I tried tapping the bolt, no luck. I even lubricated it with liquid wrench. I do not know what to try next. And by tap, I mean used a huge hammer and went to work, and had no luck. If anybody can shed any light, much appreciated.

Dont be a pussy. BFH and put a little heart into it.

Silvia716 04-29-2012 03:56 AM


Originally Posted by cmg (Post 4661481)
Dont be a pussy. BFH and put a little heart into it.

lmfao that allways works for me

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