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Solidus311 06-26-2008 11:33 PM

Rb too rich?!
My rb was dyno tuned with stock everything except a custom front mount kit, greddy intake plenum and a walbro pump. The fuel was turned down like 20% by an SAFC but is still running rich.

I heard that a fuel pressure regulator would remedy my problem. I was going to opt for a nismo regulator but I wanted to know what the correct pressure was. Am I supposed to make it a certain psi while idling and driving? Or just idling? I will probably get an AEM wideband before anything else. Thanks.

Tenchuu 06-27-2008 01:24 AM

consult the FSM. you need a FPR On there to go with your new high flow fuel pump. to set it at idle with, AAC plug (i think that is what it is called) disconnected, and vac line disconnected i set mine to 42 with the vac off. when the vac line ins connected it should drop down to 35ish PSI. also make sure the idle is set at FACTORY specs when you do this to achieve factory results.

but once again, consult the FSM for more detail.

Solidus311 06-27-2008 01:55 AM

FSM eh? Didn't think of it. I guess I'll have to track a disc down on ebay. Thanks for the info.

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