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mailhot 03-22-2012 02:20 PM

S13 & S14 to S15 Full conversion Feeler
Hey everyone,

A shop here in Buford, GA called Ultimate Auto Boutique has made a complete kit to convert the S13 & S14 to an S15. If you all have any interest in finding out more I can go get some more information. Just wanted to see if this was of interest.

Joe Drifter . com

Here are a few pics I got ahold of the other day. They are just of the rear but he has the whole S15 molded. They say you can convert and US legal car to that of the S15 look. All by remaining legal. Sounds pretty awesome!


7jpat 03-22-2012 03:47 PM

would be nice if i had an s14 , i dont see it looking to good on my s13

Silvia716 03-23-2012 09:53 AM

whats the cost of this?

mailhot 03-25-2012 12:42 AM

So after talking with them. The turn key conversion on your S chassis to a point where the full body kit is installed and primed for paint is $5,800 (not including lighting). I am getting more photos shortly. If your one of the frist builds I can imagine that he may partial sponsor someone up to 50% off.


Cyprian 06-17-2012 07:59 PM

One question about the kit,... In the pictures, it would seem that the product it sitting on an actual S15. How would the issue of the S14's narrow rear pillars be addressed?

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