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Phlip 11-11-2020 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by S14rebuild (Post 6399870)
There is proof to what trumps campain is sayn... but is it enough??

Tell us more about this "proof," please.
The judges don't seem to buy it.

State that are within "automatic recount" territory will do so and we always knew that. It seems though, that if there was a case to be made in regards to some voting irregularity or outright laws broken, then they admin would be making that case.
It is almost as if they seem to think that running out the clock will work.

S14rebuild 11-11-2020 10:17 AM

Again ive are listed in this thread proof that trumps campaign is using for their claims. WHAT THEY SAY...not me or you. Thats upto the courts.

I only stated georgias recount as basic info to add to the thread

Yall really need to chill... lol

S14rebuild 11-11-2020 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by S14rebuild (Post 6399854)
Trumps Pennsylvania lawsuit is basicly

1. The counting of votes that were not certified and checked with q republican poll watcher present. By a court order qnd law must be present. The state was knowingly violating this right in block poll workers from doing their job.

2. In high democratic turn our districts. When an error was found on q ballot it was given qn opportunity to be "cured" corrected so it can be counted. This was untrue and not qllowed in high turn out republican districts and the ballots were discared/ not counted in the election

These are the claims in Pennsylvania. There are over 70 witness filed swore affiliateds and more evidence filed along with this.
Trump os contesting over 400,000 votes at this time in the state..well abouve the diffrence margin. This actually has some traction cause of prior bush vs gore decision in courts. "Equal protection clause"- were all counted votes done so EQUALLY?...

None of this is true?....

kingkilburn 11-11-2020 10:46 AM

You are taking criticism of Trump and Trump fans as criticism of you. You need to chill.

Phlip 11-11-2020 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by S14rebuild (Post 6399879)
None of this is true?....

Considering evidentiary standards, no.
As presented, that is hearsay until there is some evidence. Nobody can just go into a courtroom and say "trust me" and expect their desired outcome. I will wait to be proven wrong on this.

S14rebuild 11-11-2020 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by kingkilburn (Post 6399882)
You are taking criticism of Trump and Trump fans as criticism of you. You need to chill.

Your right....fuk my feelings

S14rebuild 11-11-2020 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6399886)
Considering evidentiary standards, no.
As presented, that is hearsay until there is some evidence. Nobody can just go into a courtroom and say "trust me" and expect their desired outcome. I will wait to be proven wrong on this.

70 swore withness will go under oath stating this..there are multiple video evidence of polls throwning out watchers. Covering windows and moving barriers out of lawful ranges.

What the courts say is upto them. Im not here tryn to convince anyone..i find this all interesting. Wanna see where it all goes thats all

SupaDoopa 11-11-2020 11:26 AM

So, GOP is in a likely position to win the Senate and have the Supreme Court. Biden is one fuck up away from being powerless. Glad y'all are sitting here defending him until your keyboard stops working.

What happened to those states Biden thought he won? Looks like they're not blue anymore. Uh-oh!

KA24DESOneThree 11-11-2020 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by kingkilburn (Post 6399792)
The best friend I've ever had is so ancap that he refused college grants because fuck the government.

I got ancap enough when I was going to a state school (that I was paying for, despite having a scholarship) that I dropped the fuck out. Then I got bitter enough I never went back.

Realism only became an issue as my role in the business grew, then became more of an issue after I started my second business. Going through a vetting process to ensure your products are made ethically opens your eyes a little.


Originally Posted by jdmgtom
I do not care about rep lol make it a red wave baby. Seems like all the pro-Trump guys have negative rep lmao so I rather not be on the same side of some of you green rep people. You guys support a pedophile. Has anyone read Joe Biden's daughters leaked dairy, Ashley Biden.

The diary details Ashley Biden?s unhealthy relationship with sex, and the ?probably not appropriate? showers she shared as a young girl with her father, Joe Biden.

I bit, so I looked around. There is not one, and I mean not a single fucking one of the mainstream sources saying anything about this. Not Vice, not The Intercept, not Fox. Consider your source.

Also keep in mind that some of us don't support Biden, we just want to see Trump led away from the White House in absolute disgrace.

zombiewolf513 11-11-2020 11:52 AM

Who gives a shit what MSM says or doesn't say. Weren't you just ranting about how subversive MSM is a few pages back? Your opinions change with the wind

but youre not that 'some of us', are you

S14rebuild 11-11-2020 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by KA24DESOneThree (Post 6399897)

Also keep in mind that some of us don't support Biden, we just want to see Trump led away from the White House in absolute disgrace.

Yea those are the people we salute with a fuck you!

The others that actually beleve in a candidate and what they hope will lead America are true patriots. Be it left or right....

To vote against someone cause ur feelings are hurt is the biggest pussy move ive ever heard.

deolio 11-11-2020 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by S14rebuild (Post 6399902)
To vote against someone cause ur feelings are hurt is the biggest pussy move ive ever heard.

How do you figure? I think by now we?ve found that no one who sticks around in this thread has hurt-able feelings. At this point, Biden is just the damage control option.

True patriotism is wanting what?s best for your country and if that means replacing an orange pedophile with a sleepy one, so be it. The only unpatriotic way to vote is to not vote at all.

S14rebuild 11-11-2020 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by deolio (Post 6399908)
How do you figure? I think by now we?ve found that no one who sticks around in this thread has hurt-able feelings. At this point, Biden is just the damage control option.

True patriotism is wanting what?s best for your country and if that means replacing an orange pedophile with a sleepy one, so be it. The only unpatriotic way to vote is to not vote at all.

Gonna be along 4 yrs.... bend over cause creepy joe is about to fuck us all...

zombiewolf513 11-11-2020 01:14 PM

Imagine the cognitive dissonance it takes to be proud of voting for someone whom you believe is in some way a pedophile.

KA24DESOneThree 11-11-2020 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by S14rebuild (Post 6399902)
The others that actually beleve in a candidate and what they hope will lead America are true patriots. Be it left or right....

To vote against someone cause ur feelings are hurt is the biggest pussy move ive ever heard.

Again, learn to read. Learn to listen. Learn to learn. Instead, you're busy running your mouth like you're Trump. Ignorance is bliss and you're chasing the dragon. Put down the belt, stop tapping to find a vein, and start actually understanding what you read. This isn't a fucking battle and I'm not on the other end of your scope, nor are you on mine. There's nuance here, goddammit.

Zombie, see... that's the thing. You think that I was ranting against the MSM when in reality the fake news, know-nothing, profit-as-the-only-motive motherfuckers are all right-leaning. OAN is certifiable bullshit. All that other tripe you and s14 and Corbic and the other guys I literally don't even care enough about to remember spew, all the unsubstantiated, hearsay rumors, all the "well I lost the information" dumbshits are created to milk you and people like you. You're the fucking product. Your rage and your inability to think critically drive site visits. You're a walking, talking click-through-rate. You're a marketer's wet dream because you're so fucking delusional, you'll keep coming back to the Enquirer to see whether or not they found BatBoy's BatMom or if Mork was actually from Ork.

I'm surrounded by goddamn zombies. Mindless, brainless automatons going through the motions of living.


We're coming out to get you
We're all so glad we met you
We're eating you for profit
There's no way to stop it
You will find there is no safe place to hide, hide
Do you feel alive?

S14rebuild 11-11-2020 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by KA24DESOneThree (Post 6399915)
Again, learn to read. Learn to listen. Learn to learn. Instead, you're busy running your mouth like you're Trump. Ignorance is bliss and you're chasing the dragon. Put down the belt, stop tapping to find a vein, and start actually understanding what you read. This isn't a fucking battle and I'm not on the other end of your scope, nor are you on mine.


I get high like an gentleman would......by snorting a line of a top dollar escorts buttocks.

Phlip 11-11-2020 03:43 PM

What he described was heroin. Opiates are the new black

!Zar! 11-11-2020 03:44 PM

Tbt to when Trump called the military, losers.

S14rebuild 11-11-2020 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6399917)
What he described was heroin. Opiates are the new black

Well excuse me....

zombiewolf513 11-11-2020 05:50 PM

He called John McCain a loser, not the military. 'Clap for that ya stupid bastards'

kingkilburn 11-11-2020 06:06 PM

Was he insulting John's service?

S14rebuild 11-11-2020 06:13 PM

Trump told a conservative forum in Iowa in 2015 that his view of McCain changed when McCain lost the 2008 presidential election to Obama. “He lost, so I never liked him as much after that, ’cause I don’t like losers,” he said. Trump went on to dismiss McCain’s war service: “He’s not a war hero. He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren’t captured.”

S14rebuild 11-11-2020 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by KA24DESOneThree (Post 6399897)
I got ancap enough when I was going to a state school (that I was paying for, despite having a scholarship) that I dropped the fuck out. Then I got bitter enough I never went back.

Realism only became an issue as my role in the business grew, then became more of an issue after I started my second business. Going through a vetting process to ensure your products are made ethically opens your eyes a little.

I bit, so I looked around. There is not one, and I mean not a single fucking one of the mainstream sources saying anything about this. Not Vice, not The Intercept, not Fox. Consider your source.

Also keep in mind that some of us don't support Biden, we just want to see Trump led away from the White House in absolute disgrace.


Found this...idk if its real or not..... someone should..

Seems fukd up if its not real...

deolio 11-11-2020 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by S14rebuild (Post 6399909)
Gonna be along 4 yrs.... bend over cause creepy joe is about to fuck us all...

I think we?re all a bit too old for him


Originally Posted by zombiewolf513 (Post 6399910)
Imagine the cognitive dissonance it takes to be proud of voting for someone whom you believe is in some way a pedophile.

You wanna talk about cognitive dissonance look at everything the Republican Party does and says. Can?t talk for 5 minutes without shooting themselves in the foot.

I voted for Jo, not Joe. I won?t give in to a system that makes me choose between two pedo?s. I will, however, happily root for the downfall of one as I?m bidin? (hah pun) my time waiting for the downfall of the other.

Just keeeeeep spewing foil hat propaganda in defense of a worthless shitbird of a president and see how much progress you make lol

zombiewolf513 11-11-2020 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by deolio (Post 6399940)
I think we're all a bit too old for him

I will, however, happily root for the downfall of one as I'm bidin? (hah pun) my time waiting for the downfall of the other.


You're defending a pedophile and claiming that voting for a pedophile is patriotic.


Originally Posted by deolio (Post 6399908)
True patriotism is wanting what's best for your country and if that means replacing an orange pedophile with a sleepy one, so be it.


Originally Posted by deolio (Post 6399940)
Just keeeeeep spewing foil hat propaganda in defense of a worthless shitbird of a president and see how much progress you make lol

I'll take my chances.

deolio 11-11-2020 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by zombiewolf513 (Post 6399942)
You're defending a pedophile and claiming that voting for a pedophile is patriotic.

Two words:

I'm saying if your idea of what's best for the country is to replace one for another, then that's on you. Either way they're both pedo's.

Green Arrow 11-11-2020 07:46 PM

Its supposed to be “Ridin’ with Biden”, not “Ridin’ Biden”. He’s a creep, and it’s well documented. And Kamala is no better, we all know how she got to power lol.


kingkilburn 11-11-2020 08:06 PM

They're both creeps. One is a rapist involved in sex trafficking minors to the rich and powerful. The other can't keep his gross hands to himself.

Then you have all the genocidal ethno-nationalism...

I'm neutral at best on Biden. Trump is on another level of garbage.

RalliartRsX 11-11-2020 08:35 PM

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpOn...withTrevorNoah&fs=1" width="644" height="390">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpOn...withTrevorNoah&fs=1" />https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpOn...withTrevorNoah">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpOn...withTrevorNoah

Yep. This was 2018. Bunch of fucking hypocrites.........

And this straight from Fox NEws

Phlip 11-12-2020 05:05 AM

And now the lawyers begin to back away from the Hail Mary:

I look forward to when it is only him and Giuliani trying to sell this case to anyone who will listen while everyone looks at them like you might the troop of crackheads who are singing Disney songs on the Vegas strip. No one puts money in their bucket, but it is strangely drawing to continue to watch.

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