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305_hustler 01-31-2010 07:40 AM

s14 sr20 kouki. How do you check for codes there is no light on ecu or screw??
i have a kouki sr20 in my 1997. I want to see if I have and codes from my ecu, But I havent been able to find any info on it at all. and my Fsm is about a zenki sr20 which has a differrent ecu. This is a ecu labeled ''NA'' and does not have any adjusting screw or light in the back of it like most sr20det ecus do. I think i remember reading somewhere a while ago that the dash check engine light blinks and that how you pull codes. But how do you get it 2 start blinking???? anyone know?

rubhamusan 02-02-2010 10:01 AM

Jump 2 wires on the ecu. or goto blazt.biz order cable make it easy.

305_hustler 02-02-2010 01:40 PM

which two wires?

rubhamusan 02-03-2010 09:08 AM

w w w . 2 0 0 s x . o r g
check out 4.12
Jump chk and ign
chk is diagnosis activation

rubhamusan 02-03-2010 09:09 AM

I forgot which ones to jump so google found it for me.

305_hustler 02-03-2010 10:44 AM

Well I viewed 200sx.org before that same article. but jumping the 2 wires at the consult port dosent work. And read a post where someone else couldnt get it 2 work ether. I think because that article is talking about the JDM version of the s14. I need to find a pinout for a ''NA'' s14 sr20. and then see which wires need to be jumped

rubhamusan 02-03-2010 01:29 PM

s15 na uses same harness as turbo IIRC. and s14 kouki u can use s15 pinout.
So you followed the process inthe article? Applying 12 volts to the chk pin should do it. It is even labeled as diagnossis activation.

305_hustler 02-03-2010 02:50 PM

only thing is now that I look at the ecu I cant find any of the wires. Im guessin the the company that did my wiring ripped out the consult wires!!! so I have to find the pinout for the ecu and put 12v to the a wire I put into the CHK slot

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