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sr vegas 240 05-14-2019 03:34 PM

Fuel pump wiring repair
Hi all, I'm replacing my walbro 255 for walbro 450 and of course the harness dont plug is so I cut it off and soldered it. I also had to fix one of the wires that connects to the top of the hanger. I noticed this terminal had some sort of coating. Anybody know what this coating is I want to put it on the soldered joints.

crash n' burn 05-15-2019 08:39 AM

You talking about the connections on the top side of the fuel hanger? All I've ever seen were plastic caps. I've had e30s that have this type of hardened wax covering on top of the power terminal when they have a trunk mounted battery. Just meant prevent arching but you shouldn't have any problems where those wires are.

sr vegas 240 05-15-2019 11:40 AM

Yes that's the connector at the top and also another joint to the fuel pump that I soldered. I will be coating them with permatex liquid tape.

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