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11Past9 02-02-2010 09:46 PM

Will these wheels fit well?
I am looking to buy some Enkei RPF1 17x9 in SBC finish but they are +35 offset. I am an offset newb but was always told I want +20 or less if I'm going to run 9 inches wide all around.

I have a 1998 S14 with Tokiko struts and s tech springs and will be putting 235/45's on the wheels.

What will it fit like? I just want it to look good, not stick out, not look akward, just look like it belongs. I do not have rolled fenders.

I searched, and reffering me to a 275 page wheel whore thread that consists 99% of the wheel set ups being on slammed 240's with rolled fenders and can barely fit a card between the tire and the fender...

Someone just help me out.


fliprayzin240sx 02-02-2010 10:53 PM

Jesus, how many threads about this bullshit do you seriously have to make? We told you already...do you want us to hold your fucking hands about everything?

God, go to NICO for stupid shit like this...

S13SilviaGirl 02-03-2010 12:48 AM

In all honesty, it depends on what YOU want. For me that kind of fitment would look like ass...but that is me personally. That sizing would be a little better than stock fitment, and not stick out. +15 would be more ideal....but again, just my opinion.

Ray Ray.... play nice. ;)

11Past9 02-03-2010 05:19 AM

The lowest offset they come in is +22. would that be better?

Max_PSi 02-03-2010 02:33 PM

17x9 +15 fits perfect all around on S14's. My JIC's are that offset.

+22 won't be that bad though.

slow40sx 02-03-2010 02:48 PM

for a 9 inch wide wheel i'd go with an offset closer to zero, but thats just me, and are u sure they only come in +22??? i'm pretty sure if u call them they could give u better idea of what offsets they can do for u

enkei2k 02-03-2010 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by fliprayzin240sx (Post 3273060)
Jesus, how many threads about this bullshit do you seriously have to make? We told you already...do you want us to hold your fucking hands about everything?

God, go to NICO for stupid shit like this...

QFT :bash:

just buy it and make it fit. if you need spacers, buy spacers. if you needa roll, roll. if you need widebody, go widebody.

and for the record, go 235/40.


jspaeth 02-03-2010 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by slow40sx (Post 3274202)
for a 9 inch wide wheel i'd go with an offset closer to zero, but thats just me, and are u sure they only come in +22??? i'm pretty sure if u call them they could give u better idea of what offsets they can do for u

I have 17x9 +17 all the way around and they are pretty flush. Depending on how slammed you are and how "square" (i.e. not stretched) your tire sidewalls are, you will be good.

I had to do some minor rolling/pulling, and now the top edge of the sidewall sits just inside the lip, and when I hit bumps, the camber gain causes the tire to just sneak inside the lip of the fender.

Also, 245/40/17 would be better looking/fitting than 235/45/17, as 235/45/17 will be a little too tall relative to stock.

11Past9 02-03-2010 03:23 PM

The reason is I have a set of basically new potenza reo1r 235 45's that I don't want to waste.

The guy I am getting them off of only has as low as +22, he is getting me SBC RPF1's 17x9 for $235 per wheel shipped. Which is a hell of a deal. $940 total shipped.

I only have tokiko blue shocks and s tech springs. I'm running evo wheels now which are 17x8 and +30 or +35 I believe.

I just want it to be flush and not look stupid and stick out or be too sunken in.

ayuaddict 02-03-2010 03:34 PM

with a shock spring combo, your main concern is going to be the height of the tire (the over all diameter) so measure that and make sure it will fit, and +22 will work fine as far as fitment goes, you will need to roll your fenders which is really not difficult at all and if you're careful you will not chip the paint.

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