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Nate.Srzenki 07-09-2019 09:29 PM

Throwing codes and need to pass inspection
I'm getting codes P0335, P0130, P1605, P0141

97 5spd swap...auto ecu I believe is the main issue.

I plan on SR swapping within a year. I just need to pass inspections so I can register, title transfer and cruise it on the weekends.

Any suggestions??

jedi03 07-10-2019 09:27 AM

they will be only doing visual/tailpipe inspection if that helps point you in the right direction...if the check engine light isn't on then you should be ok ;)

spitefulcheerio 07-10-2019 11:18 AM

Remove the CEL bulb and call it a day

Nate.Srzenki 07-10-2019 12:42 PM

From what I've been told I still wouldn't pass emissions.

Jfornachon 07-10-2019 10:47 PM

Most of the time they will still pull codes on an obdII car. What are the definitions for the codes.Pick one and fix it. Help us help you. People here are not going to spoon feed you information. You need to do some of the work and present information.

Have great day,

Nate.Srzenki 07-12-2019 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by Jfornachon (Post 6349876)
Most of the time they will still pull codes on an obdII car. What are the definitions for the codes.Pick one and fix it. Help us help you. People here are not going to spoon feed you information. You need to do some of the work and present information.

Have great day,

All good on my end. I have figured it all out.

Jfornachon 07-13-2019 10:59 PM

So what was it? Other people can use the information. I can't but someone else may.

Have a great day,

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