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K_never_broke_again 08-01-2019 04:17 PM

Question about 95 s14 wiring
So i bought an s14 in october planning to sr swap it, but after pulling the engine and harness out i’ve run into what appears to be a pretty big problem. i was watching all these vids on how to remove the original harness, but i was hella confused because it seemed like nobody had the same wiring as me when i realized... i have a 95, meaning the harness is different than any other year 240. as opposed to the standard ecu and dash plugs, i have like 3 additional plugs that also connect near the ecu plug. there is a blue plug with 2 or 3 wires going to it, a small white plug, and a larger plug located behind the ecu, which you have to pull a lever down to take off. my s13 sr20det harness which i thought would work obviously doesn’t have any of these other plugs. so my question is how am i going to wire it up? i can’t be sure but it also seems like none of the sr plugs will connect to the parts of the ka harness that it needs to. do i need to buy a whole new harness, or can i just ghetto rig it up? i’m only 17 and this is my first swap ever, so any advice would help. i added a url which is a pic of the plugs i’m talking about, they’re in the middle near the ecu connector


brndck 08-01-2019 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by K_never_broke_again (Post 6352297)
i have like 3 additional plugs that also connect down there. my sr20det harness which i thought would work obviously doesn’t have any of these other plugs.

3 additional plugs WHERE? Under the hood? Under the dash? Are you using an s13 sr20 or s14/15? Do you have the oem engine wiring harness or an aftermarket one? Do you have a copy of the FSM for that year car?

we need more information in order to better help you

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