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sausage180 05-30-2008 11:59 PM

buddy club bucket seat
does anyone know how the buddy club bucket feel and does the seat ride high or not? thanks

OptionZero 05-31-2008 12:06 AM

seat doesn't determine height

rail does


it's been discussed before

LongGrain 05-31-2008 12:14 AM

buddy club seat is awesome, if your 32" waist and below, i'm a 32" and i couldnt imagine anyone bigger than me fitting in a regular size seat comfortably. buddy club rail sits the seat super low, mine isnt even on the lowest setting and its touching the carpet.

ScarredOne 06-01-2008 01:25 AM

I'm only about 5'11" and my head ended up well above the top of the headrest portion of this seat. The padding was minimal (esp. in the head region), and the seat just felt really cheap overall. Well, it is a cheap seat, so...

SilviaSR20DET 06-04-2008 11:19 PM

They are great seats and have nice build to them, i got the regular and im about 34 inch waist and its pretty uncomfortable. Should of waited and got the wide version! So for those do not get the regulars if your above 32 inch waists like longgrain said.

Sir 06-08-2008 01:06 PM

wide version will fit my fat ass.
They flex a little more than I'd like tho.

FaLKoN240 06-08-2008 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by LongGrain (Post 2076016)
buddy club seat is awesome, if your 32" waist and below, i'm a 32" and i couldnt imagine anyone bigger than me fitting in a regular size seat comfortably. buddy club rail sits the seat super low, mine isnt even on the lowest setting and its touching the carpet.

I heard the Buddy club seat brackets suck.

Because its in a weird "7" shape instead of an "L" shape like Bride.

I had Buddy Club seat for a while... it's cool for a cheapy beginner seat, but as most things are, there's always something better.

SilviaSR20DET 06-10-2008 09:43 PM

don't bride seats fit buddy club rails?

nismostate 06-12-2008 09:36 AM

I can confirm that bc rails SUCK. Im going to rig up some L brackets this weekend to work on my corbeau fx1 seat. Im 5'11" and on the lowest setting, i cant get a helmet in there and i dont even have a full cage. my head almost touches the roof. I think bc rails are only meant for bc seats. My guess is that it really depends on how high the bolt threadings are on the seat.

FaLKoN240 06-12-2008 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by SilviaSR20DET (Post 2101889)
don't bride seats fit buddy club rails?


But the design sucks.

I'll just find the pic and edit my post later.

From this thread: http://www.zilvia.net/f/showthread.p...ddy+club+rails


Originally Posted by hippo_chips (Post 2019628)
For tall people, FG is better cause it's lower. I had both. I got mad after buying the buddy club rails, cause they weren't super low down. I was at near stock seat height in my bucket. Went to Aspec, like right after buying these rails, bought an FG rail and gained so much headroom. The difference between both are the seat mounts on the rails. Bride is simply L shaped.

SilviaSR20DET 06-12-2008 09:46 PM

thats really weird.... mine doesnt look like the one on the left at all. Its in fact exactly the way the bride fg rails look, maybe mine is the newest version?

sidewaysil80 06-12-2008 09:55 PM

mine is exactly like the one on the left, had to pull the cushion off the ass portion so my helmet wouldnt be cocked against my cage. huge bummer. the seat on the other hand is pretty comfortable and i recommend it

sausage180 06-15-2008 11:19 AM

in my stock seat currently when i wear my helmet i'm like about half an inch from the roof and i'm 5'10" so would you guys recommend me going with the buddy club seat and bride fg rails?

sausage180 06-15-2008 11:21 AM

the buddy club seats to me are comfortable

Phaze*2_Mizzark 07-09-2008 03:20 PM

just got my buddy club racing spec seat and the buddy club super low down seat brackets today and DAMN! this crap is as high if not higher than my bottom mount Sparco seats were. errrrrrrrrr!!!! i used the "7" shaped bracket, but i will try the other set of "L" shaped brackets on later tonight after work.. hopefully that changes all. FYI i guess Buddy Club just started doing so but both "7" & "L" shaped brackets came in the box. i'll keep everybody updated for those of you who are interested in this topic...

nismostate 07-09-2008 07:58 PM

please take pics.
i made some L brackets and even then you cant lower it that much because the lever for the slider is in the way.

Phaze*2_Mizzark 07-09-2008 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by nismostate (Post 2167226)
please take pics.
i made some L brackets and even then you cant lower it that much because the lever for the slider is in the way.

left work early just to work on this shit but i'm in the same predicament as you. THE FUCKING SLIDER GETS IN THE FUCKING WAY. wtf man. sooooo annoying bro. i gotta send pics to albert over at buddy club so he understands what i mean by that shit is not working. i'll you guys posted and i'll post pics when i get a chance.

splicer 12-20-2008 09:01 AM

Bump for pics. I'm thinking of getting the buddy club rails, can you confirm that making L brackets fit?

LongGrain 12-20-2008 09:31 AM


i have buddy club rails

"buddy club super low down race spec seat rail"

the brackets are L shaped, NOT 7 shaped

splicer 12-20-2008 12:29 PM

Ok I'm going to order the buddy club, I'm not too worried about it being too high, as long as it's not higher than stock. I can fit myself in my car helmet and all with the stock seat just fine.

wh0aitznic0 01-12-2009 09:24 AM

I didn't want to make a new topic because this one was already up so...

Would the Bride FG rail work with the Wide Buddy Club bucket seat ? From what I've read, it leads me to say no because the FG doesn't work with the Recaro Pole Position which is just a tad wider than say a Zeta III.

Gription 01-12-2010 06:28 PM

I was trying to figure something out and I just came across this thread....

Buddy Club rails now come with the original "7" style brackets AND the "L" style brackets. Mine just came in today and it had 1 set of each kind of bracket.

So to anyone who was thinking about not getting this setup because it might not be low enough, it's just like the Bride brackets.

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